Pat and I are at the dinner at St. Johns College in honor of Evarist Gine. (Photo Credit: Sasha Rahklin)
Small Data sets are way out of vogue, but the book is $150 on Amazon: Go Figure. (Photo Credit: Sasha Rahklin)
To everyone's astonishment and sadness, Wenbo died suddenly in January 2013. I have never known anyone with a greater enthusiasm for mathematics. He was a delight to all of us. He will be remembered always with love and respect.
This is from the March 2010 "Stochastische Tage" --- I think that Yvik Swan took the snapshot with Thomas's cell phone.
This is from the June 2009 BIRS Workshop --- Gabor Lugosi uses Luc's great camera.
On an excursion to Norway after Bernoulli Society IMS meeting in Aarhus, Denmark. Pat plays photographer.
This is the identification photo that started off a series of 24 taken by professional photographers for various Wharton purposes. The official one kindly drops the identifier.
After the Graybill Conference at Ft. Collins in 2005, Pat and I went off to Rocky Mountain National Park where we saw some frisky yellow bellied marmots (marmatae flaviventris) and later sat on opposite sides of the Continental Divide.
At the banquet in Singapore at the close of the SNU meeting in honor of Charles Stein.
Taken by Catalin Starica at the 2003 Oberwohlfach meeting on Finance and Statistics.
Taken by Scott McKee, probably at Cornell in 1967 or 1968... but perhaps a little later. Archeological credits to Lee Zaph
Taken (most likely) by my Uncle Robert sometime in the summer of 1952.
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