<-function(pv, q) { # the input # pv: the p-values # q: the FDR level # the output # nr: the number of hypothesis to be rejected # th: the p-value threshold # re: the index of rejected hypotheses # ac: the index of accepted hypotheses # de: the decision rule m=length(pv) st.pv<-sort(pv) pvi<-st.pv/1:m hps<-rep(0, m) if (max(pvi<=(q/m))==0) { k<-0 pk<-1 reject<-NULL accept<-1:m } else { k<-max(which(pvi<=(q/m))) pk<-st.pv[k] reject<-which(pv<=pk) accept<-which(pv>pk) hps[reject]<-1 } y<-list(nr=k, th=pk, re=reject, ac=accept, de=hps) return (y) }