If your cygwin/bash tells you that commands such as "more" cannot be found, check whether cygwin made it into your bash search path. Note: The "search path" is the LIST of directories/folders that get searched for commands. This should be distinguished from a single "path" to a file or directory/folder. In other words: the search path is a list of directory/folder paths. In a cygwin/bash window, say "echo $PATH". If you see something like "/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin", then all unix commands should be found. If this is not in your search path, the problem is solved by setting the PATH variable in the file "~/.bashrc" properly explicitly. A line such as export PATH=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin:$PATH in this file should do the trick. Alternatively, you could add this path to the Win2K search path by editing "path" in a window which you get this way: right-click on "My Computer" -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables/Path -> Edit. Insert c:/cygwin/bin semi-colon separated. This is very unfriendly, though.