Below is the README file for installing the ESS macros. Edit this file and look for the section with the following header below: Microsoft Windows installation ============================== The instructions are laborious, but you may only have to do the following: - Download a zip or tar.gz file from I'm using version 5.2.0beta3, but I don't know how stable it is. So far no problem. - Uncompress the downloaded file in a directory of your choice. This can be c:/emacs where everything else of Emacs may reside. - Add this line to your .emacs file: (load "c:/emacs/ess-5.2.0beta3/lisp/ess-site") ^^^^^^^^ directory of your choice If you don't have a .emacs file yet, create one in the 'Start in' directory which you can find as follows: R-click Emacs icon -> Properties -> Shortcut -> 'Start in:' (Btw, you can edit the field and change the startup directory.) - Tests: * Edit a file with extension '.R', such as our Notes-Stat-541.R The text should appear syntax-colored. * Split your Emacs window into two with 'c-x 2', and say 'm-x R'. After a few seconds an R interpreter should appear, telling you the version of ESS at the bottom. * Learn how to evaluate lines, regions, functions: With the cursor in the window showing the '.R' file, go to the top bar ESS -> ESS eval -> ... If R doesn't work, the problem may be that R is not in your MS Windows path and hence Emacs cannot find R. In this case add the following line to your .emacs file BEFORE the above load statement: (setq-default inferior-R-program-name "c:/Program Files/R/rw1081/bin/Rterm") ^^^^^^ adapt path if necessary If you need to do something similar for Splus, say, read the file c:/emacs/ess-5.2.0beta3/lisp/ess-site.el into an Emacs buffer and search for inferior-R-program-name and you will find a long list of lines with emacs-lisp code that can be adapted for S3, S4, xlispstat, and SAS. Note the code is commented out with semi-colons at the start of the lines. When you adapt one of the lines for your .emacs file, you need to remove the semi-colons. -- Andreas Buja Wharton, Stat 541 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- General Information: README *************************** This is the README file for the distribution of ESS version 5.2.0beta3 The first release of the 5.2 series. ESS is a GNU Emacs and XEmacs mode for interactive statistical programming and data analysis. Languages supported: the S family (S 3/4, S-PLUS 3/4/5/6, and R), SAS, XLispStat, Stata and BUGS. Installation help can be found in sections for both Unix and Windows. ESS grew out of the desire for bug fixes and extensions to S-mode and SAS-mode as well as a consistent union of their features in one package. The current development team is led by A.J. (Tony) Rossini (), who did the initial port to XEmacs and has been the primary coder. Martin Maechler () and Kurt Hornik () have assisted with S-PLUS, S4, R, and XLispStat. Richard M. Heiberger () has assisted with S-PLUS and S4 development for Windows. Richard and Rodney A. Sparapani () have done much of the work implementing interactive SAS (iESS[SAS]) and batch SAS (ESS[SAS]) support. We are grateful to the previous developers of S-mode (Doug Bates, Ed Kademan, Frank Ritter, David M. Smith), SAS-mode (Tom Cook) and Stata-mode (Thomas Lumley). License ======= ESS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. ESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License in the file COPYING in the same directory as this file for more details. New Features ============ Changes/New Features in 5.2.0beta?: * ESS[BUGS]: now supports interactive processing thanks to Aki Vehtari (; also new info documentation! * ESS[SAS]: convert .log to .sas with ess-sas-transcript; info documentation improved; Local Variable bug fixes; SAS/IML statements/functions now highlighted; files edited remotely by ange-ftp/EFS/tramp are recognized and pressing SUBMIT opens a buffer on the remote host via the local variable ess-sas-shell-buffer-remote-init which defaults to "ssh"; changed the definition of the variable ess-sas-edit-keys-toggle to boolean rather than 0/1; added the function ess-electric-run-semicolon which automatically reverse indents lines containing only "run;"; C-F1 creates an MS RTF file from the current buffer and name it accordingly * ESS[S]: ess-dump-filename-template-proto (new name!) now can be customized successfully (for S language dialects). * ESS[S]: ess-help: Now using nice underlines (instead of `nuke-* ^H_') * ESS[R]: After (require 'essa-r), M-x ess-r-var allows to load numbers from any Emacs buffer into an existing *R* process. * ESS[R]: M-x ess-rdired gives a "directory editor" of R objects. Changes/New Features in 5.1.24: * The version number is now correct even inside ESS/Emacs Changes/New Features in 5.1.23: * Minor more Makefile clean up. Changes/New Features in 5.1.22: * Besides info documentation, PDF and HTML documentation are also provided (instead of built using "make") and available on the web as well; see ESS web page ( and StatLib ( * Now that info documentation is available, the README.* files are no longer supported. However, they are still distributed for what it's worth. * ESS is now an XEmacs package! See XEmacs Installation HOWTO ( for details (specifically, items 10-15). * ESS[SAS]: more user-friendly enhancements for remote SAS batch jobs with Kermit file transfers (LOG and OUTPUT function key features now supported). Multiple shells now supported so you can run SAS on different computers from different buffers by setting the buffer-local variable ess-sas-shell-buffer to unique buffer names. * Major re-vamping of Makefile/Makeconf. Changes/New Features in 5.1.21: * ESS[SAS]: info documentation now available!, see ESS->Help for SAS; F12 opens GSASFILE nearest point for viewing either within emacs, when available, or via an external viewer; more syntax highlighting keywords; more enhancements for remote SAS batch jobs with Kermit; new framework for remote SAS interactive jobs, see ess-remote * ESS[S]: info documentation now available!, see ESS->Help for the S family * Makefile: tag now independent of rel; info files made by doc/Makefile and installed in new info sub-directory Changes/New Features in 5.1.20: * New `options()$STERM' in the S dialects (S, S-Plus, R). The S program can determine the environment in which it is currently running. ESS sets the option to `iESS' or `ddeESS' when it starts an S language process. We recommend other specific values for S language processes that ESS does not start. * New `ess-mouse-me' function, assigned to S-mouse-3 by default. User may click on a word or region and then choose from the menu to display the item, or a summary, or a plot, etc. This feature is still under development. * GNU Emacs 21.1 is now supported (fixed for S dialects, SAS & BUGS), (some from Stephen Eglen). * XEmacs 21.x is now supported (fixed w32-using-nt bug) * XEmacs on Win (NT) is better supported. * Workaround for bug in Sqpe+6 (S-PLUS 6 for Win). * should now work even when imenu is not available (for old Xemacsen). * ESS[SAS]: XEmacs-Imenu fix; C-TAB is globalized along with your function-key definitions, if specified; you can specify your SAS library definitions outside of for ess-sas-data-view with SAS code placed in the variable ess-sas-data-view-libname, also the dataset name is defaulted to the nearest permanent dataset to point; Speedbar support now works for permanent datasets, please ignore first./last.; new font-locking is now the default with more improvements for font-locking PROCs, macro statements, * ; and %* ; comments; you can toggle sas-log-mode with F10 which will font-lock your .log (if it isn't too big); submit remote .sas files accessed with ange-ftp, EFS or Tramp (Kermit is experimental) by setting ess-sas-submit-method to 'sh; ess-sas-submit-command and ess-sas-submit-command-options are buffer-local so you can have local file variable sections at the end of your .sas files to request different executables or specify special options and the local file variables are re-read at submit instead of only at file open so that if you make a change it is picked up immediately; * ESS[BUGS]: font-lock with `in' fixed. * for STATA: font-lock bug fixed. * for Rd mode: C-c C-v and `switch-process' in menu. further, C-c C-f prefix (Rd-font) for inserting or surrounding a word by things such as \code{.}, \code{\link{.}}, \emph{.} etc. * new functions (ess-directory-function) and (ess-narrow-to-defun) ess-directory <-> default-directory logic (Jeff Mincy). * Re-organized Makefile and fixed a few bugs. Changes/New Features in 5.1.19: * S+6 now supported (Tony Rossini (Unix) and Rich Heiberger (Windows)) * New BUGS support through ESS[BUGS] mode (Rodney Sparapani) Templates assist you in writing .bug and .cmd code (.cmd and .log are replaced by .bmd and .bog to avoid emacs extension collisions). Substitution" parameters facilitate "automagic" generation of" and "" filenames, "const N=" from your data file and "monitor()/stats()" commands. Activated by pressing F12. * Fixes for `ess-smart-underscore' SAS breakage (Rich Heiberger) * You can change between PC and Unix, local and global SAS function-key definitions interactively (Rich Heiberger) * C-Submit a highlighted region to SAS batch (Rodney Sparapani) * New and improved SAS syntax highlighting (Rodney Sparapani) To get the new functionality, set ess-sas-run-make-regexp to nil. Also available in .log files via F10. * Open a permanent SAS dataset for viewing via F9 (Rodney Sparapani) You must have the library defined in for it to work. * User-friendly defaults for `sas-program', `ess-sas-batch-pre-command' and `ess-sas-batch-post-command' as well Customize support for these and other ESS[SAS] variables (Rodney Sparapani) * `ess-sas-suffix-2' now defaults to .dat via F11 (Rodney Sparapani) * Emacs/XEmacs, Unix/Windows issues collectively handled in ess-emcs.el * defadvice solves problem of missing *ESS* (thanks to Jeff Mincy) * Improved manual a bit by including things that were only in `README'. Changes/New Features in 5.1.18: * New `ess-smart-underscore' function, now assigned to "_" by default. Inserts `ess-S-assign' (customizable " <- "), unless inside string and comments where plain "_" is used instead. (MM) * Fixes for longstanding interactive SAS breakage (RMH) Changes/New Features in 5.1.17: * Documentation for Windows Installation (Rich Heiberger) * removal of ess-vars, finalization of customize support (in the sense that there is no more use of ess-vars, but that we need to fix ess-cust) (AJ Rossini) * Many small (and large) fixes/contributions (MMaechler) * addition of the "S-equal" variable and provide M-x ess-add-MM-keys a way to remap "_" to `ess-S-assign', typically " <- ", but customizable. (MMaechler) Changes/New Features in 5.1.16: * BUG FIXES * Better SAS support Changes/New Features in 5.1.15: * BUG FIXES Changes/New Features in 5.1.14: * Yet more fixes to SAS mode, (Rich Heiberger and Rodney Sparapani) * Customize support (for most Emacsen which support it) (AJRossini) * ARC and ViSta support out of the box, and fixes for XLispStat (AJRossini) Changes/New Features in 5.1.13: * Version numbering finally all depending on the ./VERSION file, thanks to Martin Maechler. * Yet more fixes to SAS mode, thanks to Rich Heiberger. Changes/New Features in 5.1.12: * Splus 5.1 stabilized, thanks to Martin Maechler, Bill Venables, Chuck Taylor, and others. * More fixes to SAS mode, thanks to Rodney Sparapani and Rich Heiberger. Changes/New Features in 5.1.11: * More fixes to Stata mode, thanks to Brendan Halpin ( * fixed bugs in ESS-elsewhere, thanks to many testers * README.SPLUS4WIN has DETAILED instructions for S-PLUS 2000, thanks to David Brahm ( * Fixes to SAS mode, thanks to Rodney Sparapani Changes/New Features in 5.1.10: * More fixes to Stata mode * primitive generic version of ESS-elsewhere * Small fixes to SAS/Stata. Changes/New Features in 5.1.9: * Stata mode works * Literate Data Analysis using Noweb works Changes/New Features in 5.1.8: * Bug fixes * R documentation mode defaults changed Changes/New Features in 5.1.2: * able to use inferior iESS mode to communicate directly with a running S-Plus 4.x process using the Microsoft DDE protocol. We use the familiar (from Unix ESS) C-c C-n and related key sequences to send lines from the S-mode file to the inferior S process. We continue to edit S input files in ESS[S] mode and transcripts of previous S sessions in ESS Transcript mode. All three modes know the S language, syntax, and indentation patterns and provide the syntactic highlighting that eases the programming tasks. Current Features ================ * Languages Supported: * S family (S 3/4, S-PLUS 3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x, and R) * SAS * BUGS * Stata * XLispStat including Arc and ViSta * Editing source code (S family, SAS, BUGS, XLispStat) * Syntactic indentation and highlighting of source code * Partial evaluation of code * Loading and error-checking of code * Source code revision maintenance * Batch execution (SAS, BUGS) * Interacting with the process (S family, SAS, XLispStat) * Command-line editing * Searchable Command history * Command-line completion of S family object names and file names * Quick access to object lists and search lists * Transcript recording * Interface to the help system * Transcript manipulation (S family, XLispStat) * Recording and saving transcript files * Manipulating and editing saved transcripts * Re-evaluating commands from transcript files * Help File Editing (R) * Syntactic indentation and highlighting of source code. * Sending Examples to running ESS process. * Previewing Stability ========= Versions 5.1.x are meant to be gamma-level releases. While some bugs are fixed, others may have been introduced, especially with regards to new features. See the file doc/TODO for details. Bug reports are solicited; see the Bugs Section below. Patches or suggested coding fixes with bug reports are much appreciated! Requirements ============ ESS has been most thoroughly tested with: * S-PLUS 3.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 2000 * R >=0.49 * S4 * SAS >=6.x * BUGS 0.603 * Stata >=6.0 * XLispStat >=3.50 on the following platforms * Linux (all) * Solaris/SunOS (all) * Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 (SPLUS 4.5/2000, R, SAS and BUGS) * Apple Mac OS (SAS for OS 9 and X11 R for OS X) with the following versions of emacs * GNU Emacs 20.3, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6, 20.7, 21.1, 21.3 * XEmacs 21.0, 21.1.13-14, 21.4.0-8, 21.4.9-13(1), 21.4.14 * GNU Emacs <20.3 and XEmacs <21.0(2) ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) requires the files.el patch for the Local Variables updating problem (2) These releases of emacs are no longer supported, so an upgrade is recommended if you plan to use ESS. If you have GNU Emacs 19.29, see *Note Unix installation::. Also, note that the `custom' library bundled with Emacs 19.34 is too _old_, its API is incompatible with the `new custom' bundled with recent Emacsen. The `new custom' for Emacs 19.34 is available for download here ( . Getting the Latest Version ========================== The latest stable version of ESS is always available on the web at: ESS web page ( or StatLib ( The latest public version of ESS can also be retrieved via cvs client. If you have a firewall, then you may need to take appropriate action. The repository name is Using a command-line cvs client (i.e. on Unix or DOS), first type: cvs -d login The password is "anoncvs". Then type: cvs -d co ess Installation (from tar file) ============================ We now discuss installation, which might happen under Unix or Microsoft Windows. First, we discuss Unix installation. *Note Unix installation::. For Microsoft Windows Installation please skip to the *Note Microsoft Windows installation::. Unix installation ================= 1. cd to a directory where you want to install ESS, creating it if necessary. This directory will be referred to below as ESSDIR. 2. Retrieve the latest version from gzipped tar file ( to ESSDIR. 3. Decompress/unarchive the files from the disribution. gunzip ess-VERSION.tar.gz tar xvf ess-VERSION.tar (or: `gunzip < ess-VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf -' ). (or using GNU tar: `tar zxvf ess-VERSION.tar.gz'). The `tar' command will create the subdirectory ess-VERSION and unarchive the files there. If you are using GNU Emacs 19.29, decompress/unarchive `ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/19.29.tar.gz', read `ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/19.29/README', follow the instructions and you might be able to get ESS to work. _Please note that GNU Emacs 19.29 is no longer supported_. For a list of supported versions of emacs, see *Note Requirements::. 4. Edit the file `ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site.el' as explained in the comments section of that file. 5. Add the line (load "ESSDIR/ess-VERSION/lisp/ess-site") to your user or system installation file (GNU Emacs uses `$HOME/.emacs' and XEmacs uses `$HOME/.xemacs/init.el' for the user initialization file. GNU Emacs uses default.el or site-init.el and XEmacs uses site-start.el for the system installation file). Alternatively, if ess-site.el is in your current Lisp path, you can do: (require 'ess-site) to configure emacs for ESS. 6. That's it! To edit statistical programs, load the files with the requiste extensions (".sas" for SAS, ".S" for S-PLUS, ".R" for R, and ".lsp" for XLispStat). 7. (OPTIONAL) If you are running S-PLUS or R, you might consider installing the database files. From within emacs, `C-x d' to the directory containing ESS. Now: M-x S+6 to get S running. Once you see the SPLUS prompt, do: M-x ess-create-object-name-db (this will create the file `ess-s+6-namedb.el'; if it isn't in the ESS directory, move it there). Then, completions will be autoloaded and will not be regenerated for every session. For R, do the same, using M-x R and then `M-x ess-create-object-name-db' creating `ess-r-namedb.el'; if it isn't in the ESS directory, move it there). 8. (OPTIONAL) READ THIS ITEM THOROUGHLY BEFORE STARTING: In the ESSDIR/ess-VERSION directory, edit the file `Makeconf' if you want to place the compiled files in other locations; see LISPDIR and INFODIR. Then type: make all If this works, then you might try: make install This will install the info files (and the lisp files, if they are to go in another directory). Don't forget to edit the file `dir' in the info directory specified by `INFODIR' in `doc/Makefile'. See the sample `dir' file for an example of the line to add. If you are using XEmacs, you might do: make EMACS=xemacs all and then make EMACS=xemacs install instead of editing the Makefile. _Note_ that you might need to use GNU make for everything to work properly An alternative, if you are running XEmacs and have access to the XEmacs system directories, would be to place the directory in the site-lisp directory, and simply type `make all' (and copy the documentation as appropriate). For GNU Emacs, you would still have to move the files into the top level site-lisp directory. Microsoft Windows installation ============================== For Microsoft Windows installation, please follow the next steps: (see separate instructions above for UNIX *Note Unix installation::. 1. cd to a directory where you keep emacs lisp files, or create a new directory (for example, `c:\emacs\') to hold the distribution. This directory will be referred to below as "the ESS distribution directory". It will contain, at the end, either the tar file `ess-VERSION.tar.gz' or the zip file `', and a directory for the ESS source, which will be termed "the ESS-VERSION source directory". 2. Retrieve the compressed tar file `ess-VERSION.tar.gz' or the zipped file `' from one of the FTP or WWW archive sites via FTP (or HTTP). Be aware that http browsers on Windows frequently change the "." and "-" characters in filenames to other punctuation. Please change the names back to their original form. 3. Copy `ess-VERSION.tar.gz' to the location where you want the ess-VERSION directory, for example to `c:\emacs\ess-VERSION.tar.gz', and cd there. For example, cd c:\emacs Extract the files from the distribution, which will unpack into a subdirectory, `ess-VERSION'. gunzip ess-VERSION.tar.gz tar xvf ess-VERSION.tar (or: `gunzip < ess-VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvf -' ). (or: from the zip file: `unzip') The `tar' command will extract files into the current directory. Do not create `ess-VERSION' yourself, or you will get an extra level of depth to your directory structure. 4. Windows users will usually be able to use the `lisp/ess-site.el' as distributed. Only rarely will changes be needed. 5. Windows users will need to make sure that the directories for the software they will be using is in the PATH environment variable. On Windows 9x, add lines similar to the following to your `c:\autoexec.bat' file: path=%PATH%;c:\progra~1\spls2000\cmd On Windows NT/2000, add the directories to the PATH using the MyComputer menu. Note that the directory containing the program is added to the PATH, not the program itself. One such line is needed for each software program. Be sure to use the abbreviation `progra~1' and not the long version with embedded blanks. Use backslashes "\". 6. Add the line (load "/PATH/ess-site") to your .emacs (or _emacs) file (or default.el or site-init.el, for a site-wide installation). Replace `/PATH' above with the value of ess-lisp-directory as defined in `ess-site.el'. Use forwardslashes `/'. (GNU Emacs uses the filename `%HOME%/.emacs' and XEmacs uses the filename `%HOME%/.xemacs/init.el' for the initialization file.) 7. To edit statistical programs, load the files with the requisite extensions (".sas" for SAS, ".S" or "s" or "q" or "Q" for S-PLUS, ".r" or ".R" for R, and ".lsp" for XLispStat). 8. To run statistical processes under emacs: Run S-PLUS 6.x or 2000 with: M-x S+6 (or `M-x S'). You will then be asked for a pathname ("S starting data directory?"), from which to start the process. The prompt will propose your current directory as the default. Similarly for S-PLUS 6.x. Send lines or regions from the emacs buffer containing your S program (for example, `myfile.s') to the S-Plus Commands Window with the `C-c C-n' or `C-c C-r' keys. Run S-PLUS 6.x or 2000 inside an emacs buffer M-x Sqpe+6 You will then be asked for a pathname ("S starting data directory?"), from which to start the process. The prompt will propose your current directory as the default. Similarly for S-PLUS 6.x. Send lines or regions from the emacs buffer containing your S program (for example, `myfile.s') to the *S+6* buffer with the `C-c C-n' or `C-c C-r' keys. You do not have access to interactive graphics in this mode. You get Unix-like behavior, in particular the entire transcript is available for emacs-style search commands. If you wish to run R, you can start it with: M-x R XLispStat can not currently be run with M-x XLS Hopefully, this will change. However, you can still edit with emacs, and cut and paste the results into the XLispStat *Listener* Window under Microsoft Windows. SAS for Windows uses the batch access with function keys that is described in `doc/README.SAS'. The user can also edit SAS files in an `ESS[SAS]' buffer and than manually copy and paste them into an Editor window in the SAS Display Manager. For Windows, inferior SAS in an `iESS[SAS]' buffer does not work on the local machine. It does work over a network connection to SAS running on a remote Unix computer. Reason: we use ddeclient to interface with programs and SAS doesn't provide the corresponding ddeserver capability. 9. (OPTIONAL) If you are running Sqpe or R, you might consider installing the database files. From within emacs, `C-x d' to the directory containing ESS. Now: M-x Sqpe+6 to get S running. Once you see the SPLUS prompt, do: M-x ess-create-object-name-db (this will create the file `ess-s+6-namedb.el'; if it isn't in the ESS directory, move it there). Then, completions will be autoloaded and will not be regenerated for every session. For R, do the same, using M-x R and then `M-x ess-create-object-name-db' creating `ess-r-namedb.el'; if it isn't in the ESS directory, move it there). 10. That's it! Requirements ============ ESS has been most thoroughly tested with: * S-PLUS 3.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 2000 * R >=0.49 * S4 * SAS >=6.x * BUGS 0.603 * Stata >=6.0 * XLispStat >=3.50 on the following platforms * Linux (all) * Solaris/SunOS (all) * Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 (SPLUS 4.5/2000, R, SAS and BUGS) * Apple Mac OS (SAS for OS 9 and X11 R for OS X) with the following versions of emacs * GNU Emacs 20.3, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6, 20.7, 21.1, 21.3 * XEmacs 21.0, 21.1.13-14, 21.4.0-8, 21.4.9-13(1), 21.4.14 * GNU Emacs <20.3 and XEmacs <21.0(2) ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) requires the files.el patch for the Local Variables updating problem (2) These releases of emacs are no longer supported, so an upgrade is recommended if you plan to use ESS. If you have GNU Emacs 19.29, see *Note Unix installation::. Also, note that the `custom' library bundled with Emacs 19.34 is too _old_, its API is incompatible with the `new custom' bundled with recent Emacsen. The `new custom' for Emacs 19.34 is available for download here ( . Reporting Bugs ============== Please send bug reports, suggestions etc. to The easiest way to do this is within Emacs by typing `M-x ess-submit-bug-report' This also gives the maintainers valuable information about your installation which may help us to identify or even fix the bug. Note that comments, suggestions, words of praise and large cash donations are also more than welcome. Mailing Lists ============= There is a mailing list for discussions and announcements relating to ESS. Join the list by sending an e-mail with "subscribe ess-help" (or "help") in the body to ; contributions to the list may be mailed to . Rest assured, this is a fairly low-volume mailing list. The purposes of the mailing list include * helping users of ESS to get along with it. * discussing aspects of using ESS on Emacs and XEmacs. * suggestions for improvements. * announcements of new releases of ESS. * posting small patches to ESS. Authors ======= * A.J. Rossini ( * Richard M. Heiberger ( * Kurt Hornik ( * Martin Maechler ( * Rodney A. Sparapani ( * Stephen Eglen (