#---------------------------------------------------------------- # # begin color experiments: # # mosaic plots require colors; # I sifted thru the 657 colors offered by "colors()" and # selected a few in two vectors: # pastell.colors and strong.colors # the former will be the default # # here is a tool for looking at a color vector, possibly a large one: plot.colors <<- function(col.vec) { ncolors <- length(col.vec) windows(height=3, width=ncolors/5) par(mar=rep(0,4)) plot(c(0,ncolors), c(-1,1), type="n") for(i in 1:ncolors) { rect(i-1,0,i,1,col=col.vec[i]) text(i-0.5, -.2, i, srt=-90, adj=0) } } # gray: 253:153 (bright:dark) #gray.colors <<- colors()[153:253] # had to comment out; R complains #plot.colors(gray.colors) # strong colors: strong.colors <<- colors()[c(70,76,91,97,119,134,254,461,653)] #plot.colors(strong.colors) # pastells: will be used as default below !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pastell.colors <<- colors()[c(488,516,521,538,532,582,602,425,410,385)] #plot.colors(pastell.colors) # end color experiments # #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Begin mosaic plot functions: # # You don't need to understand these two functions: # "recursive.divider" and "mosaic.plot". # Define them by sourcing this file in the R interpreter. # Make sure you have the vector "pastell.colors" defined from above, # which should be done if you source the whole file. # recursive.divider <<- function(arr, hor.vert, outer.rect, col.dim, col, xmarg, ymarg, hor.depth=0, vert.depth=0, nolabel=F, cex=1) { gap <- 0.01 h.depth <- hor.depth; v.depth <- vert.depth if(is.null(dim(arr))) { dims <- length(arr); labels <- names(arr) } else { dims <- dim(arr); labels <- dimnames(arr)[[1]] } ndims <- length(dims); ngrps <- dims[1] if(is.null(ngrps)) { ngrps <- 1; ndims <- 1 } mat <- matrix(arr, nrow=ngrps) # no other way to handle variable numbers of dims... freq <- apply(mat, 1, sum); freq.tot <- sum(freq) if(freq.tot==0) { points((outer.rect["left"] + outer.rect["right"])/2, (outer.rect["bottom"] + outer.rect["top"])/2, pch=1, cex=.5 ) return() } division <- freq / freq.tot nrects.now <- length(division); ngaps.now <- nrects.now + 1 nrects <- 1; ngaps <- 0 if(hor.vert[1]=="h") { h.depth <- h.depth + 1 for(j in 1:ndims) if(hor.vert[j]=="h") { mrects <- dims[j] ngaps <- ngaps + nrects * (mrects + 1) nrects <- nrects * mrects } division <- (outer.rect["right"] - outer.rect["left"] - ngaps*gap) * division + (ngaps-ngaps.now)/nrects.now*gap division <- outer.rect["left"] + cumsum(c(0,division) + gap) } else { v.depth <- v.depth + 1 for(j in 1:ndims) if(hor.vert[j]=="v") { mrects <- dims[j] ngaps <- ngaps + nrects * (mrects + 1) nrects <- nrects * mrects } division <- (outer.rect["top"] - outer.rect["bottom"] - ngaps*gap) * division + (ngaps-ngaps.now)/nrects.now*gap division <- outer.rect["bottom"] + cumsum(c(0,division) + gap) } for(i in 1:ngrps) { lab.off <- 0.1 if(hor.vert[1]=="h") { inner.rect <- c(left=division[i], outer.rect["bottom"], right=division[i+1]-gap, outer.rect["top"]) } else { inner.rect <- c(outer.rect["left"], bottom=division[i], outer.rect["right"], top=division[i+1]-gap) } if(!is.null(xmarg) & hor.vert[1]=="h" & inner.rect["bottom"]<=gap*v.depth) { x <- (inner.rect["left"] + inner.rect["right"]) / 2 y <- -xmarg * (sum(hor.vert=="h") - 1) - lab.off # hor.vert keeps shrinking if(!nolabel) { text(x=x, y=y, label=labels[i], srt=-90, adj=0, cex=cex) lines(c(inner.rect["left"],x,inner.rect["right"]), y+lab.off*c(0.5,0.1,0.5)) } } if(!is.null(ymarg) & hor.vert[1]=="v" & inner.rect["left"]<=gap*h.depth) { x <- -ymarg*(sum(hor.vert=="v") - 1) - lab.off # hor.vert keeps shrinking y <- (inner.rect["bottom"] + inner.rect["top"]) / 2 if(!nolabel) { text(x=x, y=y, label=labels[i], adj=1, cex=cex) lines(x+lab.off*c(0.5,0.1,0.5), c(inner.rect["bottom"],y,inner.rect["top"])) } } if(!is.null(col.dim)) if(col.dim==ndims) polygon(inner.rect[c(1,3,3,1)], inner.rect[c(2,2,4,4)], col=col[i], border=0) if(length(dim(arr)) <= 1) polygon(inner.rect[c(1,3,3,1)], inner.rect[c(2,2,4,4)]) if(length(dim(arr)) > 1) recursive.divider(arr=array(mat[i,], dim=dim(arr)[-1], dimnames=as.list(dimnames(arr)[-1])), hor.vert=hor.vert[-1], outer.rect=inner.rect, col.dim=col.dim, col=col, xmarg, ymarg, hor.depth=h.depth, vert.depth=v.depth, nolabel=nolabel, cex=cex) } # end for(i in 1:ngrps)... } # end recursive.divider <- function(... # #---------------- # mosaic.plot <<- function(arr, dims=NULL, hor.vert=c(rep("h",length(dims)-1),"v"), col.dim=length(dims), col=pastell.colors, xmarg=0.2, ymarg=0.2, yn.newplot=T, nolabel=F, cex=1, border=F, border.width=1, mar=rep(0,4), mgp=rep(0,3), print=T, round=3, main="", ...) { if(!is.null(xmarg)) xmarg <- xmarg if(!is.null(ymarg)) ymarg <-ymarg if(is.data.frame(arr)) { local.arr <- table(arr) } else { local.arr <- as.array(arr) } if(is.null(dims)) dims <- if(!is.null(dim(local.arr))) 1:length(dim(local.arr)) else 1 if(is.null(dimnames(local.arr))) { dimn <- list() for(i in 1:length(dim(local.arr))) dimn[[i]] <- paste("D",i,"/Grp",1:dim(local.arr)[i], sep="") names(dimn) <- paste("Dim",1:length(dim(local.arr)),sep="") dimnames(local.arr) <- dimn } if(length(hor.vert) != length(dims)) { cat("!!!!!Error in call to mosaic.plot:\n length(hor.vert) < length(dims)\n") return(NULL) } if(is.character(dims)) { if(is.null(dimnames(local.arr))) { cat("!!!!!!Error in call to mosaic.plot:\n array has no dimnames \n"); return(NULL) } local.dims <- match(dims, names(dimnames(local.arr))) } else { local.dims <- dims } if(min(local.dims) < 1 | max(local.dims) > length(dim(local.arr))) { cat("!!!!!Error in call to mosaic.plot:\n dims out of bound\n dims=",dims,"\n"); return(NULL); } if(any(is.na(local.dims))) { cat("!!!!!Error in call to mosaic.plot:\n dimensions entered =",dims, "\n actual dimensions =",names(dimnames(local.arr)),"\n"); return(NULL) } if(!is.null(col.dim) & print) cat("Call to mosaic.plot:\n dims entered =",dims, "\n actual dims =",names(dimnames(local.arr)),"\n") local.arr <- apply(local.arr, local.dims, sum) if(!is.null(col.dim)) col.dim <- length(dims) - col.dim + 1 if(yn.newplot) { if(main != "" & mar[3]==0) mar[3] <- 3 par(mar=mar, mgp=mgp) plot(0:1, 0:1, xlim=c(-ymarg*sum(hor.vert=="v"),1), c(-xmarg*sum(hor.vert=="h"),1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", type="n", bty="n", main=main,...) if(border) lines(par()$usr[c(1,2,2,1,1)], par()$usr[c(3,3,4,4,3)], lwd=border.width) } else { lab.dist <- NULL } recursive.divider(local.arr, hor.vert, outer.rect=c(left=0,bottom=0,right=1,top=1), col.dim=col.dim, col=col, xmarg=xmarg, ymarg=ymarg, nolabel=nolabel, cex=cex) seq.hor <- seq(along=hor.vert)[hor.vert=="h"] seq.vert <- seq(along=hor.vert)[hor.vert=="v"] for(j in seq.vert) { perm <- seq(along=dim(local.arr)); perm[1] <- j; perm[j] <- 1 local.arr.perm <- aperm(local.arr, perm) local.mat <- matrix(local.arr.perm, nrow=dim(local.arr.perm)[1]) local.mat <- local.mat[rev(1:nrow(local.mat)),] local.arr.perm <- array(local.mat, dim=dim(local.arr.perm), dimnames=dimnames(local.arr.perm)) dimnames(local.arr.perm)[[1]] <- rev(dimnames(local.arr.perm)[[1]]) local.arr <- aperm(local.arr.perm, perm) } if(print) { cat("----------------------------------------------------------------\n") print(ftable(addmargins(local.arr), row.vars=seq.vert, col.vars=seq.hor ) ) cat("----------------------------------------------------------------\n") print(round(ftable(addmargins(prop.table(local.arr)), row.vars=seq.vert, col.vars=seq.hor ), round) ) cat("----------------------------------------------------------------\n") print(round(ftable(prop.table(local.arr, margin=seq.hor), row.vars=seq.vert, col.vars=seq.hor ), round) ) cat("----------------------------------------------------------------\n") } } # #---------------- # # This function scrambles the vertical variables, holding the horizontal variables fixed, # and overplots the results of scrambling: mosaic.plot.overallnull <<- function(dat, hor.vert=c(rep("h",dim(dat)[2]-1),"v"), nrand=0, ...) { ## cat("Entering mosaic.plot.overallnull...\n") n <- dim(dat)[1] mosaic.plot(table(dat), ...) dat.null <- dat for(i in seq(length=nrand)) { dat.null[,hor.vert=="v"] <- dat[sample(1:n),hor.vert=="v"] mosaic.plot(table(dat.null), yn.newplot=F, nolabel=T, col.dim=NULL) } ## cat("Done.\n") } # # Simplify life: This will be the master function. mosaic <<- mosaic.plot.overallnull # #---------------- # # Is the following Heike's code? I believe so... (thank her). # mosaic.matrix <<- function(x,...) UseMethod("mosaic.matrix") mosaic.matrix.data.frame <<- function (x, cex=2, cex.categ=cex*.75) { p <- dim(x)[2] par(mfrow=c(p,p)) for (i in 1:p) for(j in 1:p) if(i != j) { mosaic.plot(table(x[,j],x[,i]),nolabel=T, print=F) } else { plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n", frame=F, axes=F, xlab="", ylab="") text(c(0.5), c(.6), labels=c(names(x)[i]), cex=cex) text(c(0.5), c(.4), labels=paste(names(table(x[,i])), collapse=", "), cex=cex.categ) } } mosaic.matrix.array <<- function (x, cex=2, cex.categ=cex*.75) { p <- length(dim(x)) par(mfrow=c(p,p)) for (i in 1:p) for(j in 1:p) if(i != j) { mosaic.plot(margin.table(x, margin=c(i,j)), nolabel=T, print=F) } else { plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), type="n", frame=F, axes=F, xlab="", ylab="") text(c(0.5), c(.6), labels=names(dimnames(x))[i], cex=cex) text(c(0.5), c(.4), labels=paste(dimnames(x)[[i]], collapse=", "), cex=cex.categ) } } mosaic.matrix.table <<- mosaic.matrix.array # Example: # mosaic.matrix(UCBAdmissions) # # end mosaic plot functions # #----------------------------------------------------------------