Course Policies
House Keeping
- Please no food.
- Coffee, water, etc. is OK.
- Please no open laptop, or cell phone activity.
- Please be attentive to timeliness. Class starts a 10:30 sharp. Ends at 11:50 sharp.
- If you miss a class, do contact a fellow classmate for the notes.
- Readings and Homework assigments will be posted on the blog page.
- It is expected that all assigments will be handed in when due.
Processes and Procedures:
Concerning grading: Please see the official syllabus for the percentage values for the homework, midterm and final.
Your homework is expected to be your individual work. If you have made a serious effort on a problem and you are still stuck, you can get help from our TA. You can also discuss problems with other students, but please do not abuse this flexibility.