Schedule for the Project Proposal Presentations
Wednesday November 26
- Team 1. Najah Abouelafia and Mark Knichel
- Team 2. Michael Lee
- Team 3. Yi Li, Allen Zhang, and Shang Quen Zhuang
- Team 4. Rajarshi Das and Joshua Sun
- Team 5. Sofia Vershovski and Justin Chung
Monday December 1
- Team 1. Gaoxang Hu, Luk Li, and Andrew Mao
- Team 2. Aaron Wedlund and Cem Degeaga
- Team 3. Alex Salasyuk, Mike Guber, and Paul Tylkin
- Team 4. Ravi Naresh and Jon Young
- Team 5. Luay Khouny and Fei Gao
Wednesday December 3
- Team 1. Ashwin Pandith and Ravi Patna
- Team 2. Ivar Hakonarson and Eswarie Balan
- Team 3. Sanket Korgaonkar and Melvyn Tan
- Team 4. Akhil Kamani and Harsh Mundhra
- Team 5. Charlie Hauch and Vincent Manon
- Team 6. Jack Kershy and YinYin Yu
Comments for Presenters
- Powerpoint, 10 minutes, Memory Stick or Web Download
- Your audience knows pretty much what you know, so you can go directly to the heart of the matter
- You should have already organized your data and done some EDA
- What you need to have
- Well posed, clear questions for investigation
- Clear view of any criterion for judging the success, or nonsuccess of a strategy (if appropriate)
- Some preliminary steps checked off
- Citations of any sources that are relevant
Comments for Listeners
- Your colleagues count on your participation in their presentation.
- There will be time for questions at the end of each presentation.
- In my experience, a lot of very interesting material gets covered very quickly in these presentation.
- You can learn as much or more from these as from any class this term.
- Every project you hear about will suggest to you how you can make yours better.