... A Course for Ph.D Students

Scribe System

This Spring we will use a variation on the scribe system that has become common in many other courses, especially in CS and Machine Learning. I am exploring the options, but what I have in mind makes some variations on the traditional model.

  • Each day's scribe work will be done by a team of two persons. They can either put their names on their scribe report or if they wish to have web anonymity they can just put their team number on the report.
  • The other twist, is that I will announce at the END of CLASS which team will be the scribe for that day.
  • Otherwise the rules are pretty traditional. The report is due within two days of the class, it should be emailed to me with the PDF and Latex. The title of the file should be LectureXX, where you replace XX with 01 for the first lecture, etc. down to 28 for the last lecture. I will post the notes when received.