Projects for Statistics 900

Scope and Expectations

Finding a Topic (or Topics)

How to Start off on the Right Foot

How to Stay on the Right Track

What Can You Discover?

To honestly understand anything is a wonderful human experience. Oddly enough, to honestly understand something, we often need to explain the thing to someone else. Your report gives you this opportunity.

A project provides you with the chance for discovery --- first of the truth --- and then of the richer truth that you can add.

Being honest is harder than one might think. Most people never even think to try. Honest means: (1) raising every issue --- especially issues like "How did they think of this?" (2) and it means getting answers to those questions

What's the Bottom Line?

What is Bad?

I do want to focus on the positive. This really is the opportunity for a very useful experience. Still, since I have run this kind of experiment before, I suspect it is useful to be very explicit about the ways one can really mess up.

More Help?

I am happy to answer any questions that you have about the projects. I can look at your first ideas, sources, plan for development. I can look at preliminary drafts. The goal is to get a good project done and I am willing to do my part to make that happen. Still, it will take a lot of work from you, especially if you have never done anything like this before. I have a few more illustrations and suggestions that you should read.

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