The following typos were all collected by Byron Schmuland, to whom I a most grateful for his meticulous reading. Many of these ---but not all --- deal with layout, typesetting, spellings and usage. Naturally these will be corrected in the second printing of the text. Page Line 32 -5 In the Canadian challenge, a,b,c need to be positive 33 12 In (2.28) the LHS should be 1<=xyz (z, not x) 35 4,8 The smaller solution of x/exp(x-1)=.99 is neither .684 or .694, it is .8648 35 Exercise 2.12: In the problem one has $\rho_1$ and $\rho_2$, but in the solution these are written as $\rho_-$ and $\rho_+$. 61 -6 Bold x (vector notation) 62 20 correct the phrase "tells implies" 83 13 In Exercise 5.3 you need the bold u and v for vectors. This has to be changed in the solution on page 244 too. 83 14 In Exercise 5.3 "one has", "on has" 85 -12 In Exercise 5.8 "to estimate", not "to estimated" 96 6 an unexpected, not a unexpected 101 15 functions, not function 104 -2 an, not and 115 -10 integral of w, not integral w 138 1 in the top left, and bottom right corner of the blackboard display, you want b_k to the power q, not p 148 -5 such that all, not such all 170 9 The a_n outside the sum should be a_N 170 10 The a_n should be a_N 170 12 "out target" should be "our target" 178 5 \cdots instead of \dots in the definition of e_1 188 Exercise 12.1 The bound is not correct without absolute value signs. Or divide through by a_n. Could replace n by n^2. 197 -7 "Is it" instead of "Is is" 202 -9 For the last half of the page, a should be alpha and b should be beta 221 -14 put <= sign after b_2 224 -10 "be replaced" not "be replace" 233 11 The second x^{n-1} should be x^{n-2} 239 9 "one sees", not "on sees" 239 -10 Unneeded right bracket ) 241 2 Change one z_3 to z_2 241 -8 \mu_1 should be multiplied with e_1, not e_2 242 3 "since ||^2 gives us..."?? Missing >=0? 242 7 \mu_1 e_1, not \mu_1 e_2 243 1 Stromberg, not Stomberg 243 7 v,v should be v (twice) 243 12 Unneeded right bracket ) 244 -9 "idea of viewing", not "idea viewing" 245 -10 Engel here becomes Engle in the references (p. 294) Hmmm... looking in the index (p. 303) we find the entry "Engel, A., 94, 246, 251". His name actually appears on pages 94, 245, and 250. A weird LaTeX problem? 248 7 unneeded right bracket ) 250 14 tan(pi/6)=1/sqrt(3), not tan(pi/6)=sqrt(3) 252 -12 unneeded right bracket ) 254 -2 f(t), not f(x) 254 -3 "once can check" should be "one can check" 255 -1 log(1+t), not log t [twice] 256 2 log(1+x), not log x 257 -2 missing ) on the 3-vector. Also first, not fist 257 -1 z^p/(x+y), not x^p(x+y) 257 Not really a mistake, but there seems to be no reason to start a new page for the solution of Exercise 7.11 259 7 Should define x_k as (a_1a_2…a_n)^(1/n) over a_k, not the other way around 259 -7 Moar, not Noar (see also page 305) 260 11 remove the word "imply"? 261 -1,-2,-3 dummy variable is j, not n [five times] 262 -14 a_n missing left absolute value sign 265 -11 p should be s, also x and y should be in bold font 265 -1 in to should be one word into, applications should be application 267 5 There are two typos in the displayed equation. (comma after = under the sum, x_j should be x^j) but the whole solution has to be reworked since \int_0^1 x^{\lambda_j}\,dx=1/(1+\lambda_j), not 1/\lambda_j. Use 1/\lambda_j=\int_0^\infty exp(-\lambda_jx)\,dx instead. 268 5 second sum goes to infinity, not m. 276 5 bounded above, not below 277 -11 the probability is 1-n! e_n(p_1,p_2,…,p_365). (missing factor of n!) 280 8 Exercise 14.3, not 14.32 282 7 and 8 The constant should be capital C, not small c 289 -4 Persson spelt with one "s", elsewhere with two 294 Duncan & McGregor The volume number should be 110, and McGregor's initials are "C.M.", not "M.A." 294 Dubeau The word "inequality" is missing from the title 296/291 Is it Kaczmarz or Kazmarz? It's Kaczmarz! 299 5 Drop "1949" at the end of Polya's 2nd reference