Book Idea: "Myomancy and Financial Forecasting"

Myomancy, for those of you who don't know, is the art of telling the future by observing the behavior of rodents.

This is not entirely silly, since field mice do behave differently in anticipation of abundant or lean harvests, and voles of all sorts have a confirmed skill for the early sensing of earthquakes. There are many classical Greek and Roman allusions to myomancy. At least one ancient general declined to do battle on a day when he found that his shoelaces had been nibbled by mice.

What I have in mind for this book is different. It involves behavior of executives (and other insiders) who callously place their interests criminally ahead of those of shareholders, bond holders, trading partners, and employees. Such executives are the real rats of the financial world.

Unfortunately, having a cool title is only a tiny fraction of the work that is needed to write the damn book. If you are a financial writer, and you wold would like to develop this idea, it is yours free for the taking. Just drop me a note on your progress and give me a little credit in your preface (or post-face).

gold fade line

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