Math Camp 1998
Course outline
Day 1. 2 hrs.
- Session 1.1 Limits, Exponents, Logarithms.
Day 2. 3.5 hrs.
- Session 2.1. 1:50 Exponential growth, geometric series, functions.
- Session 2.2. 1:20 Functions and straight lines.
Day 3. 3.5 hrs.
- Session 3.1. 1:20 Differential calculus, definitions and introduction.
- Session 3.2. 1:50 More calculus and its uses.
Day 4. 3 hrs.
- Session 4.1. 1:20 Even more calculus, product rule, chain rule.
- Session 4.2 1:20 Partial derivatives.
Day 5. 3 hrs.
- Session 5.1 1:20 Anti-derivatives and integrals.
- Session 5.2 1:20 Problems.