Stat 540 Spring 1999.
Homework 1
Due: 21 January by 5:00pm.
Make a skeleton homepage written in HTML. You can use my skeleton
file as a template. It should be named index.html and reside in
your public_html directory. It doesn't have to contain any links yet,
but it should at least have a line describing who you are and what you do.
You will add to this page over the course of the semester.
Create the hello_world form and CGI perl script. Create a
Stat540s99 subdirectory under the public_html directory.
Create a
cgi-bin subdirectory under the public_html directory.
Place the HTML form file in the Stat540s99 directory. Call it
homework01.html. Place the perl script in the cgi-bin
directory. Call it Make sure that the perl script
is executable by the server. This is done by typing
chmod a+x
I should be able to run your perl script. Your grade depends on it.
Read Chapter 1 of Programming Perl (even if it doesn't all make sense).