#!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard :html3); print header(); print start_html(-title => "Covariate collector", -author => 'waterman@compstat.wharton.upenn.edu', -bgcolor =>"silver"); print "

Covariate Catcher

\n"; print "Every statistician needs their covariates.
\n"; print start_form(); print "Name: ", textfield(-name => 'Name', -default => 'John Doe', -size => 40, -maxlength => 60); print br; print "Gender: ", radio_group(-name=>'Gender', -values=>['Male','Female'], -default=>'Male'); print br; print "Area: ", popup_menu(-name => 'Location', -values => ['North','South','East','West'], -default=> 'West'); print br; print "Hobbies: ", scrolling_list(-name=>'Hobbies', -values=>['Swimming', 'Tennis', 'Chess', 'Horse riding', 'Fishing', 'Sailing'], -default=>['Swimming','Sailing'], -size=>3, -multiple=>'true'); print br; print "Favorite classes: ", checkbox_group(-name => 'Class', -values => ['Statistics', 'Marketing', 'Geometry'], -default => 'Statistics'); print br; print "Comments?", textarea(-name => 'Comments', -default => 'Great job!', -rows => 3, -columns => 40); print br; print hr; print submit(-label => 'Submit covariates', -name => 'submit'); print reset(-name => 'Reset this form'); print end_form(); if( param()) { print "Here is what you said about yourself"; print ""; } print end_html(); # $| = 1; ### This flushes the output buffers. Look at the output without it. open DATABASE, ">>database.txt"; select DATABASE; print param('Name'),"\t", param('Gender'), "\t", param('Location'), "\n"; close DATABASE;