WEMBA project titles, from WEMBA East 2001

1. Pharma market share, using sales force characteristics.
2. Direct Mail. Demographics to predict spend, given spend > 0.
3. Human Resources, demographics to explain compensation.
4. Credit cards, forecasting late fees after 9/11.
5. Optimal product mix for wood panel bending strength.
6. Credit cards, predicting utilization rate -- found that typical risk profiling not useful for explaining utilization rate.
7. Relating heavy fuel oil prices to other fuels, as there is no US based fuel oil futures contract. Goal to create a hedge with a commodity basket. (good example of collinearity)
8. Factors driving Bounty sales volumes, and differences across retail channels. Outstanding value project.
9. Campbell soup: unusually good financial results -- real or a 9/11 artifact? Quotes from WSJ add interest to this project.
10. Model for PEPCO transformer failure, and cost of repair.
11. Model for the density of polymers as a function of structure, mechanism and oil content. Creates a model that is competitive with plant based measurements.
12. Modern consumption function theories, quantifying short and long term elasticities of consumption with respect to income. Shows that the consumer holds up under times of temporary economic hardship.
13. Subscriber growth modeling in the cell phone industry, looking at international regional and technology differences.
14. Modeling GDP and GDP growth for Asia Pacific countries.
15. Managing basis risk in Canadian Financial markets -- explaining the spread between the Prime rate and 30-day CDOR.
16. Modeling the efficiency of Amex Financial Advisors product marketing process.
17. Employee compensation at a large financial institution.
18. An analysis of People Value Added (PVA) based on employees job satisfaction and perceptions of Customer Focus, Operating Efficiency and Management/Leadership.
19. Understanding the combination of scientific and marketing inputs that explain physician repeat ratios in 6 blockbuster drugs.
20. Explaining the solubility of chemical compounds as a function of chemical structure -- solubility being important for potential drug candidates.
21. Understanding the reasons for "Missed Orders" at AT&T's service centers as a function of personnel mix.
22. Explaining response rates to direct mail credit card solicitations as a function of recent macro-economic factors -- personal savings, unemployment ...
23. Explaining stock market returns in terms of trading characteristics and financial ratios.