Header Begin TableName="PROJECT.JMP" NRows=200 NColumns=19 Column Begin Label="Ave Cost" DataType=Numeric Format=10.2 Measure=Continuous Notes="The average cost per block of running the job " End Column Begin Label="Units" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="The number of blocks in the order" End Column Begin Label="Goal SD" DataType=Numeric Format=10.1 Measure=Continuous Notes="Allowable Standard Deviation in accuracy (in mm) " End Column Begin Label="Weight" DataType=Numeric Format=10.3 Measure=Continuous Notes="Weight (in Kg) of a block " End Column Begin Label="Stamp" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="number of stamping operations required per block" End Column Begin Label="Chisel" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="number of chiseling operations required per block" End Column Begin Label="Detail" DataType=Character FieldWidth=7 Measure=Nominal Notes="Detail or none--Does the job require special detail or not?" End Column Begin Label="Rush" DataType=Character FieldWidth=4 Measure=Ordinal Notes="Rush or none--Special rush orders" End Column Begin Label="Labor Hours" DataType=Numeric Format=10.3 Measure=Continuous Notes="Number of direct labor hours used per block" End Column Begin Label="Cost per Kg of metal" DataType=Numeric Format=10.2 Measure=Continuous Notes="Cost per Kg, of the desired metal" End Column Begin Label="Lost (Kgs)" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="Kg of material lost during processing per block" End Column Begin Label="Manager Initials" DataType=Character FieldWidth=2 Measure=Nominal Notes="Initials of the manager on duty" End Column Begin Label="Temperature of the room" DataType=Numeric Format=10.0 Measure=Continuous Notes="indoor temperature (in Fahrenheit) during processing" End Column Begin Label="Music" DataType=Character FieldWidth=9 Measure=Nominal Notes="type of music (if any) played while the job was run" End Column Begin Label="Shift" DataType=Character FieldWidth=5 Measure=Nominal Notes="day/night shift" End Column Begin Label="Machine Hours" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="number of machine hours used per block" End Column Begin Label="New Plant" DataType=Character FieldWidth=4 Measure=Nominal Notes="new vs old. Which plant the job was run in." End Column Begin Label="Break downs" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="Number of breakdowns while the job was running" End Column Begin Label="Reworks" DataType=Numeric Format=Best10. Measure=Continuous Notes="approximate percentatage of block requiring rework (guesstimate made by the manager on duty)" End End 30.11 170 0.5 0.355 4 5 none rush 0.450 1.36 0.61890 ck 77.5 none day 0.017 old 1 0.5882 29.21 240 0.1 0.380 7 9 detail none 0.333 1.15 1.19721 ck 74.0 none day 0.033 old 4 0.8333 32.36 190 0.1 0.300 10 15 detail none 0.550 1.70 1.34743 kd 74.5 none day 0.050 old 0 1.0526 39.65 140 0.5 0.370 13 13 none rush 0.450 5.58 0.62249 la 74.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.7142 41.80 180 0.1 0.390 9 10 detail none 0.433 1.13 1.30494 uw 80.0 none day 0.033 old 0 1.1111 63.10 120 0.1 0.370 22 20 detail none 0.733 4.83 0.87094 uw 74.5 none day 0.067 old 0 1.6666 31.37 300 0.1 0.320 8 10 detail none 0.317 4.07 0.56839 la 74.5 loud Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3333 34.75 3300 1.0 0.450 6 9 none none 0.133 0.77 1.09085 id 71.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.2424 21.47 190 0.1 0.225 7 6 detail none 0.367 3.54 0.28623 uw 88.0 none day 0.017 old 0 0.5263 43.61 100 0.5 0.275 11 8 detail none 0.683 4.05 0.48991 kd 83.0 none day 0.033 old 3 1.0000 45.63 110 0.1 0.315 8 13 detail none 0.500 4.87 0.74593 kd 80.0 none day 0.033 old 0 0.9090 46.93 250 0.1 0.275 17 11 detail none 0.483 8.99 0.54679 id 76.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.4000 39.82 170 0.5 0.390 12 7 none rush 0.417 5.74 0.42444 kd 71.5 none day 0.033 old 2 0.5882 38.43 250 0.1 0.265 12 13 detail none 0.417 3.50 0.76891 ck 83.5 none day 0.050 old 3 1.2000 37.72 110 0.1 0.270 10 13 detail none 0.633 4.15 0.68329 la 76.5 Rock day 0.017 new 1 0.0000 29.22 1000 0.1 0.365 10 14 detail none 0.417 0.94 1.79928 kd 64.5 none day 0.050 old 4 1.0000 28.47 900 0.1 0.440 8 12 detail none 0.267 0.73 2.23093 ck 68.0 none day 0.033 old 3 1.0000 39.94 140 0.5 0.330 11 10 detail none 0.550 1.38 1.18082 id 74.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 10.68 230 0.1 0.650 10 12 detail none 0.433 1.04 3.12681 id 75.5 none day 0.017 new 0 0.4347 51.04 270 0.5 0.310 16 10 detail none 0.750 6.10 0.54332 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 2 0.3703 37.20 110 0.5 0.430 6 9 none rush 0.383 1.30 1.24066 ck 69.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.9090 17.12 210 0.5 0.420 14 14 none rush 0.383 0.88 1.70374 uw 80.0 none night 0.050 old 4 0.9523 42.24 170 0.5 0.320 20 15 none rush 0.517 4.56 0.74515 ck 82.0 none night 0.050 old 1 1.1764 25.15 900 0.5 0.450 10 9 none rush 0.300 2.00 1.55194 kd 71.0 none day 0.033 old 2 0.7777 37.48 260 0.5 0.380 13 15 none rush 0.367 0.99 1.64547 kd 94.5 none day 0.050 old 3 1.1538 24.69 300 0.5 0.440 13 7 none rush 0.383 3.44 0.31703 la 74.5 Rock night 0.017 new 1 0.3333 29.74 1900 0.5 0.345 14 11 none rush 0.283 1.05 1.06578 id 72.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3684 40.22 220 1.0 0.320 15 18 none rush 0.400 0.88 2.14622 uw 78.0 none night 0.067 old 2 1.3636 49.26 130 0.5 0.335 17 15 detail none 0.717 1.58 2.43640 uw 68.0 none day 0.050 old 0 1.5384 45.55 110 0.1 0.255 12 10 detail rush 0.600 2.68 0.42641 uw 72.5 none night 0.033 old 0 0.9090 20.03 1000 0.5 0.355 9 9 detail rush 0.333 1.03 1.27504 la 76.0 Muzak night 0.017 new 1 0.2000 34.75 150 0.1 0.310 13 14 detail none 0.500 3.55 0.83764 kd 76.5 none day 0.050 old 1 1.3333 35.94 210 1.0 0.330 11 13 none rush 0.517 1.17 1.10664 ck 78.0 none night 0.050 old 5 0.9523 44.74 300 0.1 0.450 12 14 detail none 0.467 0.76 2.10558 la 76.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3333 17.43 200 1.0 0.345 7 4 none rush 0.283 0.99 0.43224 id 74.0 Rock day 0.000 new 2 0.5000 50.43 200 0.5 0.410 19 17 none rush 0.550 6.48 1.17421 uw 75.0 none night 0.050 old 0 1.5000 48.71 170 0.5 0.350 12 11 detail none 0.467 3.49 0.75172 la 76.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.5882 35.40 400 0.1 0.410 8 17 detail none 0.433 0.84 2.17219 uw 69.0 none day 0.050 old 1 1.2500 34.62 120 1.0 0.310 11 10 none rush 0.450 0.89 1.23075 kd 78.5 none day 0.033 old 1 0.8333 43.81 190 0.5 0.325 14 13 none rush 0.400 1.23 1.41335 id 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.5263 38.04 3100 0.1 0.370 15 19 detail none 0.350 1.08 1.95942 ck 73.0 none day 0.067 old 15 1.2258 13.81 300 1.0 0.375 7 7 none rush 0.233 3.54 0.44720 ck 68.0 none night 0.017 old 2 0.6666 53.15 300 0.5 0.360 17 19 none rush 0.500 1.14 2.03124 kd 82.5 none day 0.067 old 5 1.3333 16.41 200 0.5 0.385 10 9 none none 0.317 0.83 1.04328 la 74.5 loud Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.5000 35.20 110 0.1 0.275 12 12 detail none 0.583 4.99 0.49741 id 75.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 2 0.9090 35.34 150 0.1 0.430 14 17 detail none 0.717 0.88 3.28751 id 74.5 Rock day 0.033 new 0 0.6666 23.03 200 1.0 0.300 12 13 none rush 0.383 1.12 1.24789 kd 78.5 none day 0.050 old 0 1.0000 44.10 1300 0.1 0.345 14 16 detail none 0.333 1.17 1.95469 ck 67.0 none day 0.050 old 15 1.0769 29.72 170 0.5 0.490 11 15 none rush 0.383 0.73 2.15437 la 76.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 36.71 500 0.5 0.540 11 11 detail none 0.333 1.24 1.78408 la 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.4000 40.83 140 1.0 0.355 15 15 none rush 0.517 3.40 0.82017 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.033 new 1 0.7142 20.04 700 0.5 0.450 8 12 none rush 0.183 1.02 2.07408 uw 87.5 none night 0.033 old 6 0.7142 29.84 190 0.1 0.300 16 17 detail none 0.533 0.71 2.14363 la 75.0 Rock day 0.033 new 0 0.5263 24.06 110 0.1 0.395 10 12 detail none 0.533 5.50 0.65095 ck 75.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.9090 37.36 500 1.0 0.355 12 10 none rush 0.333 1.22 1.05764 la 74.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.4000 32.46 190 0.5 0.350 13 14 none rush 0.500 0.72 1.79612 ck 67.0 none day 0.050 old 0 1.0526 15.61 200 0.5 0.335 9 7 none rush 0.317 0.67 0.81983 ck 71.0 none night 0.017 old 0 1.0000 51.51 140 0.5 0.410 10 9 none rush 0.500 4.44 0.72809 ck 67.0 none day 0.033 old 1 0.7142 31.55 130 1.0 0.450 13 12 none rush 0.450 0.98 2.01532 id 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.7692 40.04 400 1.0 0.410 9 8 none rush 0.367 6.72 0.50588 la 75.0 Rock night 0.017 new 0 0.2500 44.13 130 1.0 0.295 10 7 none rush 0.400 4.78 0.38762 ck 69.5 none night 0.033 old 0 0.7692 21.26 240 0.5 0.215 10 10 none rush 0.317 4.32 0.35623 kd 69.5 none day 0.033 old 6 0.8333 23.61 400 0.5 0.420 6 1 detail none 0.300 4.95 0.07373 uw 80.5 none day 0.000 old 2 0.5000 29.18 200 0.5 0.390 7 6 detail none 0.400 4.01 0.40694 id 74.0 Rock day 0.017 new 2 0.5000 21.84 2200 0.5 0.410 12 10 none rush 0.267 1.09 1.49626 uw 74.0 none night 0.033 old 19 1.0000 23.29 210 1.0 0.330 8 9 none none 0.283 1.28 1.12101 id 77.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.4761 18.48 210 0.1 0.430 5 10 detail none 0.317 0.73 1.40563 ck 73.5 none day 0.033 old 6 0.4761 38.01 120 0.5 0.400 10 11 none rush 0.433 1.00 1.33498 uw 82.5 none day 0.033 old 1 0.8333 38.13 170 0.1 0.340 10 11 detail none 0.500 0.75 1.53719 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.5882 35.41 180 0.5 0.185 12 11 none none 0.467 3.89 0.30882 id 73.5 Rock day 0.017 new 2 0.5555 27.07 140 1.0 0.370 8 9 none rush 0.367 1.13 0.86539 la 75.5 none night 0.017 new 0 0.0000 20.14 210 0.5 0.320 5 3 none rush 0.233 1.10 0.27265 ck 65.5 none night 0.017 old 11 0.4761 45.98 270 0.5 0.550 10 10 none rush 0.417 0.99 2.78235 ck 56.5 none night 0.033 old 5 0.7407 37.49 1300 0.1 0.410 12 15 detail none 0.333 0.89 2.52655 uw 77.0 none day 0.050 old 14 1.0769 18.61 250 0.5 0.355 7 9 none none 0.450 1.00 1.12810 id 75.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 11.32 400 0.5 0.365 6 11 none rush 0.200 0.54 1.59240 uw 70.0 none night 0.033 old 9 0.7500 27.28 110 0.5 0.350 13 9 none rush 0.533 4.27 0.49902 kd 82.5 none day 0.033 old 1 0.9090 17.84 800 0.5 0.250 12 10 none rush 0.283 5.29 0.47465 la 76.5 Rock day 0.017 new 1 0.3750 26.10 210 0.1 0.500 9 10 detail none 0.433 1.05 1.78094 la 75.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.4761 16.47 120 0.1 0.490 9 8 detail rush 0.483 1.18 0.91452 kd 83.0 none day 0.033 old 0 0.8333 27.88 110 1.0 0.335 16 11 none rush 0.583 0.90 0.95501 id 73.5 none day 0.017 new 1 0.9090 37.53 2400 0.5 0.365 13 13 none rush 0.267 0.99 1.56824 uw 84.5 none night 0.050 old 17 1.0833 37.11 170 0.1 0.420 12 13 detail none 0.500 0.85 2.04126 ck 65.5 none day 0.050 old 0 1.1764 29.75 110 0.5 0.355 6 11 detail none 0.550 0.93 1.20382 uw 82.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.9090 15.13 270 0.1 0.385 7 11 detail none 0.383 1.11 1.30146 ck 81.5 none day 0.033 old 6 0.7407 22.50 400 1.0 0.480 8 8 none rush 0.300 0.88 1.13957 la 76.0 none day 0.017 new 0 0.2500 40.10 140 0.1 0.290 9 10 detail none 0.450 3.18 0.49310 id 74.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.7142 34.74 130 0.5 0.400 6 10 detail rush 0.433 0.74 1.13273 kd 71.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.7692 69.59 20 0.5 0.300 8 11 detail none 1.733 1.22 1.02587 kd 83.5 none day 0.033 old 3 0.0000 23.15 120 0.5 0.350 8 9 none rush 0.417 0.93 1.51713 kd 79.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.8333 14.91 150 1.0 0.300 5 7 none rush 0.317 2.06 0.75146 id 75.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 23.31 160 0.5 0.500 10 8 detail none 0.467 1.15 1.68271 kd 68.0 none day 0.033 old 0 0.6250 25.07 170 0.5 0.345 8 8 none rush 0.317 1.32 0.80598 la 75.5 Muzak night 0.017 new 0 0.5882 41.45 120 0.1 0.375 17 13 detail none 0.683 6.09 0.80832 id 74.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.8333 28.92 130 0.1 0.450 8 13 detail none 0.517 0.69 2.11410 ck 84.0 none day 0.033 old 0 0.7692 38.24 190 0.1 0.470 10 11 detail none 0.467 0.83 1.27679 kd 56.0 none day 0.033 old 0 0.5263 24.84 210 0.1 0.430 12 10 detail none 0.483 5.30 1.13627 la 74.5 Rock day 0.017 new 1 0.4761 36.35 100 0.1 0.285 8 10 detail none 0.617 5.36 0.48945 kd 80.0 none day 0.033 old 0 1.0000 51.27 110 0.1 0.360 14 12 detail none 0.600 3.06 0.58867 uw 84.0 none day 0.033 old 1 0.9090 16.67 1400 0.5 0.470 9 8 none rush 0.200 1.33 0.93078 id 74.5 none day 0.017 new 1 0.2857 20.96 600 1.0 0.345 7 7 none rush 0.233 0.91 0.72047 kd 63.5 none day 0.017 old 2 0.6666 39.11 150 0.5 0.370 7 8 none rush 0.367 1.21 1.06298 uw 73.0 none night 0.033 old 1 0.6666 33.01 180 0.5 0.255 15 11 detail none 0.550 3.70 0.42944 uw 69.0 none day 0.033 old 0 1.1111 15.60 180 0.1 0.360 5 5 detail none 0.367 1.09 0.57824 la 71.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 37.33 250 0.1 0.330 13 17 detail rush 0.467 1.09 1.58099 ck 84.5 none day 0.050 old 8 1.2000 33.72 140 0.1 0.345 9 13 detail none 0.483 1.12 1.57143 uw 83.0 none day 0.033 old 0 1.4285 29.05 180 0.5 0.390 7 8 none rush 0.300 0.59 0.97038 kd 59.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.5555 27.14 160 0.5 0.275 8 10 none rush 0.317 5.01 0.53041 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.6250 37.78 800 1.0 0.305 14 12 none rush 0.283 1.20 1.28319 ck 68.0 none night 0.033 old 2 1.0000 18.52 100 0.1 0.520 9 9 detail none 0.550 1.38 1.35241 ck 76.0 none day 0.033 old 1 1.0000 48.51 130 1.0 0.315 15 15 none rush 0.583 0.54 1.44970 la 75.0 Muzak day 0.033 new 1 0.0000 6.98 2400 0.5 0.360 7 7 none rush 0.200 0.81 1.00368 la 75.5 Muzak night 0.017 new 1 0.2083 25.09 110 0.1 0.480 10 9 detail none 0.617 1.57 1.31622 la 75.5 loud Rock day 0.017 new 1 0.0000 28.93 120 0.5 0.410 10 11 none rush 0.500 1.08 1.50967 uw 74.5 none day 0.033 old 2 0.8333 32.45 140 0.5 0.520 6 5 none rush 0.367 0.97 0.89950 uw 81.5 none day 0.017 old 0 0.7142 14.07 290 0.5 0.520 9 10 detail none 0.383 0.95 1.77077 ck 81.0 none day 0.033 old 5 1.0344 44.59 160 0.1 0.570 9 11 detail none 0.533 1.13 1.83399 uw 66.5 none day 0.033 old 0 1.2500 37.09 1100 0.5 0.360 9 9 detail none 0.300 1.24 1.13947 id 76.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.4545 32.49 240 1.0 0.400 8 7 none rush 0.267 1.03 1.14413 ck 68.5 none night 0.017 old 5 0.4166 34.88 130 1.0 0.370 11 12 none rush 0.467 0.85 1.73378 ck 81.0 none night 0.033 old 2 0.7692 11.03 280 1.0 0.305 9 11 none none 0.267 0.93 0.96296 kd 79.0 none day 0.033 old 4 0.7142 30.79 160 0.5 0.480 9 9 none rush 0.383 1.12 1.63576 ck 84.5 none night 0.033 old 0 0.6250 19.29 130 0.5 0.375 10 10 none rush 0.433 0.52 1.10059 ck 72.5 none night 0.033 old 2 0.7692 29.72 160 0.5 0.310 10 12 none rush 0.383 1.34 1.20134 id 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 2 0.0000 44.50 260 0.1 0.385 13 12 detail none 0.433 1.06 1.80422 la 73.5 loud Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3846 25.78 1600 0.1 0.300 12 21 detail none 0.333 1.07 1.99854 id 73.0 Muzak day 0.033 new 2 0.3750 91.77 1900 0.5 0.375 6 9 none rush 0.217 0.74 1.02852 id 75.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3157 32.91 140 0.1 0.560 6 10 detail rush 0.433 1.21 2.09202 la 76.5 Rock night 0.017 new 0 0.0000 25.92 170 0.1 0.315 13 15 detail none 0.500 1.65 1.61428 la 76.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.5882 21.25 210 0.5 0.400 6 8 none rush 0.250 1.28 1.20794 la 75.0 Rock day 0.017 new 1 0.4761 27.65 400 1.0 0.375 7 7 none rush 0.233 0.82 0.74820 kd 58.0 none day 0.017 old 6 0.7500 25.15 700 0.5 0.340 7 8 none rush 0.183 1.07 0.62562 ck 66.0 none night 0.033 old 6 0.7142 38.37 190 0.5 0.440 13 13 none rush 0.400 0.77 1.80702 la 75.0 Rock night 0.017 new 1 0.5263 35.54 100 0.5 0.330 8 9 detail none 0.517 1.09 0.90250 id 75.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 40.09 170 0.1 0.460 10 11 detail none 0.450 0.75 1.77295 id 74.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.0000 25.42 400 0.5 0.285 11 11 detail none 0.567 4.77 0.50906 kd 68.5 none day 0.033 old 7 0.7500 43.22 160 0.5 0.315 10 10 detail rush 0.433 0.90 0.87981 uw 70.5 none night 0.033 old 0 0.6250 31.50 220 0.1 0.520 9 14 detail none 0.383 1.02 2.34206 id 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.4545 38.49 600 0.5 0.230 11 8 none rush 0.267 2.76 0.36175 kd 74.0 none day 0.033 old 9 0.8333 12.85 160 0.5 0.365 6 5 none rush 0.350 1.40 0.62480 la 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.6250 17.93 260 0.5 0.275 9 6 none rush 0.283 3.91 0.24368 la 76.0 none night 0.017 new 0 0.3846 31.19 190 0.5 0.325 15 15 none rush 0.550 1.14 1.72553 kd 72.5 none day 0.050 old 1 1.0526 30.27 230 0.5 0.410 10 13 detail none 0.417 0.63 1.67550 kd 77.5 none day 0.050 old 5 0.8695 19.67 900 0.5 0.370 6 8 detail none 0.317 0.96 1.57243 kd 67.0 none day 0.033 old 4 0.7777 20.43 700 0.5 0.345 12 11 none rush 0.283 1.05 1.09604 uw 71.5 none night 0.033 old 3 0.8571 42.03 110 1.0 0.360 17 16 none rush 0.567 0.99 1.85789 uw 76.0 none night 0.050 old 0 0.9090 30.60 170 0.5 0.345 11 8 none rush 0.417 4.27 0.42297 ck 74.5 none night 0.033 old 1 0.5882 28.63 120 0.5 0.410 7 9 none rush 0.467 0.72 1.33680 uw 64.5 none night 0.033 old 0 0.8333 31.00 2300 0.5 0.280 11 10 none none 0.283 6.03 0.42807 la 75.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 2 0.2173 30.44 170 0.5 0.295 15 13 none rush 0.467 3.85 0.96969 kd 81.0 none day 0.050 old 0 1.1764 31.58 190 0.1 0.330 12 13 detail none 0.533 5.69 0.63669 la 75.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.5263 51.70 190 0.1 0.345 16 17 detail none 0.600 0.87 2.28985 ck 62.0 none day 0.050 old 0 1.5789 42.24 190 0.1 0.410 9 14 detail none 0.467 1.22 1.89514 la 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.5263 59.07 180 1.0 0.345 20 19 none rush 0.500 4.47 1.12163 kd 75.5 none day 0.067 old 2 1.6666 21.37 270 0.1 0.380 8 8 detail none 0.350 1.52 0.88216 id 75.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.3703 32.45 210 0.5 0.330 4 8 none rush 0.267 0.80 1.01947 ck 96.5 none night 0.033 old 6 0.4761 11.25 190 1.0 0.375 5 6 none rush 0.250 1.05 0.70779 ck 76.0 none night 0.017 old 0 0.5263 49.63 220 0.1 0.320 14 16 detail none 0.450 0.97 2.03821 uw 90.0 none day 0.050 old 7 1.3636 29.89 2000 0.5 0.330 12 12 none rush 0.217 5.48 0.67939 kd 64.5 none day 0.033 old 8 1.0500 27.77 170 0.5 0.500 12 9 none rush 0.417 0.88 1.64782 kd 76.0 none day 0.033 old 0 0.5882 29.45 180 0.5 0.520 8 10 none rush 0.300 0.62 1.87862 la 74.5 Rock night 0.017 new 0 0.0000 23.97 110 0.1 0.345 9 14 detail none 0.517 1.07 1.53108 ck 79.5 none day 0.050 old 0 0.9090 27.47 150 0.1 0.305 5 9 detail none 0.383 0.85 0.86153 uw 75.0 none day 0.033 old 1 0.6666 31.82 1200 0.5 0.350 13 12 detail none 0.500 4.51 0.64978 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 1 0.4166 31.18 110 0.5 0.420 8 10 none rush 0.483 0.72 1.77946 la 76.5 Muzak night 0.017 new 1 0.0000 27.78 200 1.0 0.335 9 9 none rush 0.383 4.80 0.54632 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.5000 33.34 900 0.1 0.500 12 15 detail none 0.383 0.93 2.15771 ck 70.0 none day 0.050 old 6 1.1111 34.22 170 0.1 0.460 12 12 detail rush 0.550 0.98 1.45518 kd 63.0 none day 0.033 old 1 1.1764 45.93 190 0.1 0.335 18 21 detail rush 0.600 1.15 1.88129 uw 84.0 none night 0.067 old 2 1.5789 44.34 170 1.0 0.510 10 14 none none 0.350 1.08 2.93713 uw 74.5 none day 0.050 old 1 1.1764 31.80 190 0.5 0.355 7 12 detail none 0.433 1.01 1.36682 la 75.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.5263 51.79 280 1.0 0.380 14 16 none rush 0.433 0.80 2.42573 la 75.0 Rock night 0.033 new 0 0.3571 6.39 600 1.0 0.380 5 7 none rush 0.183 1.12 0.79336 la 74.5 Muzak night 0.017 new 0 0.3333 36.51 130 0.1 0.570 14 21 detail none 0.600 0.67 5.24815 la 75.5 Muzak day 0.033 new 0 0.7692 19.88 300 0.5 0.220 6 5 none rush 0.233 4.86 0.19349 id 75.5 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.3333 35.49 170 1.0 0.430 7 12 none rush 0.367 1.23 0.97957 id 75.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.5882 34.06 160 0.1 0.345 16 17 detail none 0.567 1.01 1.90654 ck 75.0 none day 0.050 old 0 1.2500 24.34 110 1.0 0.345 8 8 none rush 0.417 0.77 0.97038 id 76.0 Rock day 0.017 new 2 0.0000 19.20 400 1.0 0.390 10 12 none rush 0.267 0.98 1.66248 uw 76.5 none day 0.033 old 5 0.7500 31.51 400 0.5 0.430 5 8 none rush 0.200 1.23 1.64232 id 74.0 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.2500 18.19 200 0.1 0.315 4 11 detail none 0.467 0.54 1.38310 uw 71.5 none day 0.033 old 0 0.5000 48.41 200 0.5 0.355 13 16 detail none 0.500 0.64 2.06966 id 73.5 Muzak day 0.033 new 0 0.5000 36.47 230 0.1 0.290 16 16 detail none 0.533 3.98 0.83279 kd 88.0 none day 0.050 old 7 1.3043 29.93 600 0.5 0.275 9 12 none rush 0.417 3.33 0.58128 id 77.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.1666 33.86 280 1.0 0.440 10 11 none rush 0.283 0.98 1.83665 id 74.5 loud Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3571 42.71 110 0.5 0.315 14 12 detail none 0.600 0.98 1.46322 la 74.0 Rock day 0.017 new 1 0.0000 18.80 1000 0.5 0.305 8 5 detail none 0.383 5.74 0.27299 uw 73.5 none day 0.017 old 3 0.8000 31.54 130 0.1 0.390 12 16 detail none 0.550 1.18 2.30913 id 74.5 Muzak day 0.033 new 0 0.7692 38.28 300 0.1 0.360 9 9 detail none 0.417 1.45 1.15312 uw 85.5 none day 0.033 old 4 0.6666 34.26 140 0.5 0.540 8 17 none rush 0.417 0.83 3.21855 id 74.0 Rock day 0.033 new 1 0.0000 25.65 220 0.5 0.335 6 6 none rush 0.250 1.13 0.63718 ck 71.0 none day 0.017 old 5 0.4545 36.48 500 0.1 0.430 9 13 detail none 0.467 1.06 2.30952 kd 73.0 none day 0.033 old 7 1.0000 28.49 1300 0.1 0.430 9 10 detail none 0.467 1.12 1.19801 kd 79.0 none day 0.033 old 14 0.8461 38.24 160 0.5 0.350 14 13 detail none 0.517 1.13 1.31921 la 75.0 loud Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.6250 33.43 260 0.1 0.315 8 11 detail none 0.333 4.30 0.53685 ck 80.5 none day 0.033 old 4 1.1538 9.10 230 0.5 0.375 4 4 detail none 0.317 0.78 0.53804 id 74.5 Rock day 0.000 new 0 0.0000 27.09 1000 0.1 0.450 12 13 detail none 0.333 0.91 1.92914 la 76.0 Muzak day 0.017 new 0 0.3000 33.61 160 0.5 0.335 10 10 none rush 0.350 3.40 0.42123 la 74.5 loud Rock night 0.017 new 0 0.0000 31.89 600 0.1 0.360 13 14 detail none 0.400 1.14 1.69836 id 74.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.5000 19.06 290 0.1 0.340 8 13 detail none 0.333 1.22 2.15425 id 75.5 Rock day 0.017 new 0 0.3448