Steps for recoding manager into a categorical with fewer levels. In particular I will recode sw, fk and rh into "alpha" and pd, kp into "beta". The new variable will be called "ManagerRecode". Step 1. Double click at the end of the spreadsheet to create a new column. Step 2. Double click at the top of the new column so that the "Columns info" dialog comes up. Step 3. Enter the column name, "ManagerRecode". Step 4. Make the data type "Character". Step 5. Make the data source "Formula". Step 6. Click "OK" -- the formula dialog will appear. Step 7. Click inside the empty box in the area where the formula appears so that it turns blue. Step 8. Scroll on the box that is headed "unknown" until it comes up as "Character", then type in "alpha" and hit enter. Step 9. Click on "Conditions, then choose "if". Step 10. Click inside the box next to the "if" displayed on the formula screen, then choose "Manager initials". Step 11. Click on comparisons, "equals" and type "sw" into the data entry area. Step 12. Highlite the [Manager Initials = sw] component of the formula and click on "conditions" then "or". Step 13. Highlite the new empty box in the formula after the "or" and repeat step 11,12 and 13 for managers fk and rh. Step 14. Now under the "alpha" and opposite the "otherwise" type in "beta". Step 15. Click "evaluate" and you are done. Step 16. Call my office hours to go over this if it doesn't work for you!