Wharton Executive MBA program
Stat 601: Statistical Analysis for Management
Fall 2000
Professor: Richard Waterman. Room 3066 SH-DH.
waterman@wharton.upenn.edu (place WEMBA in subject line of all emails).
Books: Basic Business Statistics (BBS): A Casebook
by Dean P. Foster, Robert A. Stine, Richard P. Waterman. Springer Verlag; ISBN: 0387983546 ;
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 98,253
Photcopy will be distributed.
Business Analysis Using Regression (BAUR): A Casebook
by Dean P. Foster, Robert A. Stine, Richard P. Waterman. Springer Verlag; ISBN: 0387983562 ;
JMP-IN statistical software.
Course objectives: develop an appreciation, understanding and mastery
of the ways in which statistical techniques can be used to solve business
Class preparation: Students should read through the specified casebook
chapters prior to each class. Taking time to work through
the examples using JMP-IN before class would be of great benefit.
Class 1. BBS Chapters 1, & 2.
Class 2 BBS Chapters 3 & 4.
Class 3 BBS Chapters 5 & 6: HW1 out.
Class 4 BBS Chapters 7 & 8: HW1 in. HW2 out.
Class 5 Midterm and BBS 9 & 10: HW2 in.
Class 6 BAUR Chapters 1, 2 : HW3 out.
Class 7 BAUR Chapters 3 &4. HW3 in.
Class 8 BAUR Chapters 5 & 6. Project out.
Class 9 BAUR Chapters 7 & 8. Regression project class.
Class 10 BAUR Chapter 11: Project in.
Class 11 Final.
Grade: Assignments (30%), Mid-term (30%) and Final (40%).
Academic integrity: all University rules will be followed with regard to academic integrity.