Stat 601, Fall 2000, Class 1
- Review intro stat ideas
- Change emphasis toward interpretation and practical application
- Learn the software
- Enjoy it
- Course material
- Grading/assessment
- TA's and office hours??
- Evaluations
- Computing
- Good questions
- Insights
- Clarifications
- Tie backs/big picture
- Bad questions
- Missed last class
- Flex muscles
Metaphor; the spoken language, not the grammar.
- Material
- Classes 1-4. Understanding/measuring variability. Why it is important. Factor in variability/uncertainty to the decision making process
- Who cares? The Basel Accord
- Risky investments need higher reserves
- Need to measure risk. e.g. J.P.Morgan
- Risk == volatility of returns
- Volatility == variability
- Classes 5-10. Regression/statistical modeling/forecasting/explaining
- Models
- Stock market
- Market share
- Real estate prices
- What's different? Our model explicitly incorporate variability; don't just get to model the process, get to say how good the model is. Meta-information: statements about the quality oif information.
Value added - the idea of precision.
- What to get out of the course
- Perform statistical analysis - hands on
- No stats background - not math based
- Project, THE learning experience
- Success in the course
- Learn the right questions to ask
- Critical evaluation of another's analysis
- Mastery of stat package
- Confidence to perform analysis/use tools
- Presentation and communication of results
- Guarantee: you will be faced with more data, not less.
This course is about evaluating, summarizing and leveraging information
- Popular quote ``if you can't measure it you can't manage it''
- Key concept: Summarizing data
- Key tool: the Empirical rule
- Key graphics: Histogram and boxplot
Box plot |
Identification of outliers |
Histogram |
Shape of data, skewness. Outliers |
Normal quantile plot |
Diagnostic for normality |
Sensitive to outliers |
Mean |
Variance/SD |
Robust |
Median |
- Mean = average. True
- Median = order the data, the one in the middle. Not standard.
- Variance = average squared distance from the mean. True
estimated s2
- S.D. =
estimated s
- IQR = 75 pctile - 25 pctile. Not standard.
- Symmetric bell shaped; mean
- Right skew; mean greater than median
- Left skew; mean smaller than median
- Symmetric bell shaped - good news.
- Skewness - watch out!
If data bell shaped and symmetric then say approximately normal.
Key: the mean and standard deviation summarize the data efficiently in
these circumstances.
The EMPIRICAL RULE rule applies when data is approximately normal.
Rule of thumb for normal data - it ties together the mean and standard
deviation, (
into a rule that establishes where most of the data should lie. If the data is outside this range then it's an
``atypical'' observation; in J.P. Morgan's terminology an adverse market move.
Special one:
gives a 10% chance of
falling out of the range. That is 5% on each side (tail), one in 20 times
we see the lower event, about 1 trading day a month.
- Summary measures
- Robust vs. Sensitive
- Empirical rule for mound shaped and symmetric data
- Ties together mean and s.d. to help define an ``unusual event''
- Disparate data may be approx normal, ie GMAT and GM
- But not ALL data is normal, ie Eisner's compensation.