Stat 601, Fall 2000, Class 10
- The partial F test, and why you would use it.
The partial-F
/ 2 2 \ /Number of
| R - R | / variables
\ BIG SMALL / / in the subset.
/ 2 \ / Number of observations
| 1 - R | / minus number of parameters
\ BIG / / in Big model. (inc. intercept).
Page 152 of the Case Book. Testing
- Objective: model a time series.
- Example: Model default rates on mortgages as a function of
interest rates.
- Problem: Time series often have autocorrelated error
terms which violates the standard assumption of independence.
- Definition: Autocorrelation - successive error terms are
dependent (see p.41 and p.300 of the Bulk Pack).
- Diagnostics.
- Key graphic - residuals plotted against time. Tracking in the
residual plots.
- Look at the Durbin-Watson statistic. Less than 1.5 or over 2.5
suggests a problem.
- Correlation of the residuals is roughly 1 - DW/2.
- Consequences of positive autocorrelation:
- Over-optimistic about the information content in the data.
- Standard errors for slopes too small, confidence intervals too
- Think variables are significant when really they are not.
- False sense of precision.
- Fix ups.
- Use differences of both Y and X, not raw data (pp.326-327).
- Include lagged residuals in the model (p. 309).
- Include lag Y in the model (as an X-variable p.331).
- Benefits of differencing.
- Often reduces autocorrelation.
- Can reduce collinearity between X-variables.
or, say X is in grams and we re-express as kilos:
Essentially the same equation but the original
would be 1000
times larger in the second equation.
Say we transform Y but not X, Y is originally in cm, but we divide by 100
to get to meters:
Notice how the slope and intercept change. The RMSE would fall by
a factor of 100 too.
Note: all percent change interpretations for log transforms are valid
only if the percent change considered is small. The smaller it is the better the approximation.
Four cases:
Four respective interpretations for
- For a 1 unit change in X, the average of Y changes by
- For a 1 percent change in X, the average of Y changes by
- For a 1 unit change in X, the average of Y changes by 100
- For a 1 percent change in X, the average of Y changes by
percent - the economist's elasticity definition.
- Plug in numbers if in doubt: take
Av(ln(Y)|X) = 5 + 0.5 ln(X).
- Calculate Av(ln(Y)) at X = 100:
so Y = 1484.13
- Increase X by 1% (X = 101) and recalculate:
so Y = 1491.53
- Y has gone from 1484.13 to 1491.53, or in percent terms: (1491.53 - 1484.13)/1484.13 = 0.00498 = 0.498%, which is approximately 0.5%.
- Plug in numbers if in doubt: take
Av(ln(Y)|X) = 5 + 0.03 X.
- Calculate Av(ln(Y)) at X = 50:
so Y = 665.14
- Increase X by 1 (X = 51) and recalculate:
so Y = 685.40
- Y has gone from 665.14 to 685.40, or in percent terms: (685.40 - 665.14)/665.14 = 0.0305 = 3.05%, which is approximately 3%.