Stat 601, Fall 2000, Class 2

What you need to know from last time

Summary measures; mean, median,variance,sd,IQR
Graphical summaries/diagnostics; histogram,boxplot,normal quantile plot
If approx normal then can use empirical rule
What is the Empirical rule?
Often data is approx normal - but not always

Today's class

Tracking sample means and standard deviations: x-bar and s-charts. Setting control limits
The standard error of the mean; $\sigma/\sqrt{n}$
The Central Limit Theorem
Confidence intervals
Using a confidence interval to make a decision
Assumptions and their role in analysis

Monitoring the mean and variance of a process



Monitor a production process assuming observations are independent.

Achieve this by placing control limits
How to choose limits - can use empirical rule on sample means
In control: mean and variance stable over time
Capable: process meets specs
E.R. needs to know s.d. of the sample means
SD of ${\overline X} = \sigma/\sqrt{n}$ where n is number of observations in sample mean
Can use overall sample mean +/- 3 $\sigma/\sqrt{n}$ as "3 sigma limits"
Chances a particular observation is outside these limits if process is in control is 1 -.997 (from ER), ie small
Unlikely evens signal something is wrong -> take action

Standard error of the mean

The Central Limit Theorem

Sample means are approximately normally distributed. (see p.66 of CaseBook)
E( $\overline{X}$) = $\mu$.
Var( $\overline{X}$) = $\sigma^2/n$.
s.d.( $\overline{X}$) = SE( $\overline{X}$) = $\sigma/\sqrt{n}$.
Because sample means are approx. normal can use Empirical Rule on them.

Control charts

Two types
X-bar chart; track sample means
s-chart; track sample standard deviations
Setting the control limits - two ways (JMP gives choice);
From the engineer; use their specs to create limits
From the data; use overall sample mean and overall sample variance plus the Empirical Rule to create limits (typically 3-sigma)

Two examples A well behaved process -- in control. A process that fails to meet engineers specs. A process that breaks down.


S-charts are usually one-sided in manufacturing
Dealing with miracles; someone has to win the lottery but the same person should not win it three times in a row. (p.63 of CaseBook)
Daily means, weekly means, monthly means or WHAT? (p.79 of CaseBook)

Confidence intervals

What is it?
1. A range of feasible values for an unknown population parameter, e.g. $\mu$ or $\sigma^2$
2. A statement conveying the confidence that the range of feasible values really does include the unknown population value
Where does it come from?
Inverting the Empirical rule
If 95% of the time the sample mean is within +/- 2 standard errors from $\mu$, then 95% of the time the true $\mu$ is within +/- 2 standard errors from the sample mean
Why is it important?
Move away from a single ``estimate'' to a range of values, which is more realistic
Get to make the meta-level statement - our confidence about the first statement
How do I use it to make a decision?
Example, is 812 a feasible value for the true mean?
Answer: look to see if 812 lies in the confidence interval
If it's in the interval then it's a feasible value
If it's outside the interval then it is not feasible A confidence interval for the population mean. A confidence interval for the intent to purchase.
