Class 4
What you need to know from last time
The standard error of the sample mean;
It measures how accurate the sample mean is as an estimate of the
population mean. No confusion - always use the formula (don't use the
standard deviation of sample means)
The Central Limit Theorem
Tracking sample means and standard deviations: x-bar and s-charts.
Setting control limits
Confidence intervals. For example, an approx 95% CI for
given by
. Can see how the standard error through the confidence interval conveys the accuracy of
Using a confidence interval to make a decision
Todays class - two themes
Begin decision making - hypothesis testing
Context; there is a target population -
the group you wish to make inferences about. You draw a sample.
Use the sample to make statements about the population.
Sample must be representative of the population
Sampling is the way to obtain reliable information in a cost
effective way (why not census?)
Objective; collect information. Issues:
What to measure?
How accurate do we need it?
How often do we need it?
Does it meet end user requirements?
Issues in sampling
Interviewer discretion
Respondent discretion - non-response
Key question: is the reason for non-response related to the
attribute you are trying to measure? Illegal aliens/Census.
Start-up companies/not in phone book. Library exit survey.
Good samples;
Good samples; probability samples;
each unit in the population has a known
probability of being in the sample
Simplest case; equal probability sample, each unit has the same
chance of being in the sample
Bad samples - the rest, convenience samples
The utopian sample for analysis
You have a complete and accurate list of ALL the units in the
target population (sampling frame)
From this you draw an equal probability sample (generate a list of
random numbers)
Reality check; incomplete frame, impossible frame, practical
constraints on the simple random sample (cost and time of sampling)
Precision considerations
How large a sample do I need? p.117
Focus on confidence interval - choose coverage rate (90%, 95%,
99%) margin of error (half the width). Typically trade off width
against coverage rate.
Simple rule of thumb for a population proportion - if it's a 95% CI then use n = 1/(margin of error)^2.
More issues
The independence assumption.
No overlap of information between observations.
Finite population correction. What if population size is 400 and you sampled 399 of them?
Examples A hotel customer satisfaction survey. More on the survey.
Making decisions
Hypothesis testing
Deciding on one of two choices
Null hypothesis: status quo
Alternative hypothesis: the converse of the null
Example; jury trial. Null is
Innocent. Alternative is Guilty
Note - one is taken as true a priori
Decision based on collecting data - the jury votes.
If jury votes = 12 then convict else acquit and declare
NOT GUILTY. Note, do not declare innocent!
Two types of error
Innocent, but declare guilty (null true but go with alternative
- Type I)
Guilty, but say innocent (alternative true but go with null -
Type II)
Price of the errors? Which is worse (think capital trial)
What should error rates be?
Beyond all reasonable doubt - very small chance of incorrectly declaring guilty - small chance of a Type I error
The preponderance of the evidence
Criminal vs. civil court - context, cost dependent.
Richard Waterman
Wed Aug 13 21:54:12 EDT 1997