University of Pennsylvania

The Wharton School

Statistics 608; Waiver Preparation Course August, 1997

Instructor: Richard Waterman.
Richard Waterman
Tel. 215.573.3637  Fax 215.898.1280
Department of Statistics, 3025 SH-DH, 3620 Locust Walk,
Philadelphia PA 19104.6302.

Source material.

Foster, Stine, and Waterman, A Regression Casebook Casebook, Wharton Reprographics (required). Referred to as the "Casebook."

SAS Institute, JMP IN, Windows or Macintosh version, Duxbury Press (optional). Acronym JMP.

Hildebrand and Ott, Basic Statistical Ideas for Managers, Duxbury Press (optional). Acronym H&O.

Course overview.

This course covers the material seen in Statistics 621 but at twice the intensity and with no pauses! The sole objective is to prepare students for the statistics waiver exam. It will be assumed that students are already familiar with the material in Stat603 and Stat621. The course will refresh this material for the student and approach the subject matter in a practical and interpretative way.

Class meeting times.

Classes 1-5 meet from 7:30am to 9:30am.

Class 6 meets from 7:30am to 10:00am.

Class content.

Class preparation.

The best preparation will be to review the examples in the Casebook before coming to class. Classes correspond to the following Casebook chapters:

Most class time will be spent discussing material in the Casebook. There will be only a limited amount of time in class for questions.

A pass/fail decision will be based on the performance in the waiver exam.


Feedback is strongly encouraged. You can use the one minute notes at the end of class or use the on-line feedback form for more detailed comments.

Last update: Thu Jul 24 15:13:21 EDT 1997.