Class 22 Stat701 Fall 1997

Time series continued.

Todays class.
The correlogram
A purely random process
A random walk
Moving average process (MA)
Autoregressive process (AR)
Mixed ARMA models
ARIMA models

What we are doing: models for univariate time series - modeling the residuals.

Back to the correlogram

A key assumption: second order stationarity


In English: the mean is constant and the autocorrelation depends only on the lag.

Types of processes: the building blocks.

A purely random process.

A discrete time process is purely random if it consists of a sequence of random variables tex2html_wrap_inline95 which are mutually independent and identically distributed.

The autocorrelation function is


Colloquially known as ``White noise''.

Random Walk

Let tex2html_wrap_inline95 be purely random process, mean tex2html_wrap_inline101 and variance tex2html_wrap_inline103 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline105 is a random walk if


If tex2html_wrap_inline109 then tex2html_wrap_inline111 .

Can show that tex2html_wrap_inline113 and tex2html_wrap_inline115 . Mean and variance change with t, therefore non-stationary.

But differences, ie tex2html_wrap_inline119 are purely random and therefore stationary.

Example: the market.

Price on day t = price on day (t - 1 ) + noise.

Moving average process

Say tex2html_wrap_inline95 is purely random, mean 0 variance tex2html_wrap_inline103 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline105 is a moving average process of order q ( MA(q) ) if


In English a weighted sum of the Z's.

One can show that the autocorrelation function is


Important point is that it drops off for k > q.

Special case (scale so tex2html_wrap_inline133 ), an MA(1) process


Autoregressive process.

tex2html_wrap_inline95 is purely random mean 0, variance tex2html_wrap_inline103 . Then a process is autoregressive of order p if


Like a regression, but tex2html_wrap_inline143 is regressed on previous X's. The present depends on the past plus some error.

Special case AR(1) process.



It turns out that the AR(1) process is second order stationary if tex2html_wrap_inline147 .

The autocorrelation function is


a geometric decline - so look for this in the correlogram.

The Durbin Watson test is a test under the assumption that the process is AR(1), whether or not tex2html_wrap_inline151 .

Mixed ARMA models.

A combination of an MA and an AR model.


Important because a stationary process may be more simply described through a mixed ARMA model, than a pure MA or AR process.

ARIMA models

For a non-stationary process, (for example a series with trend) we may apply differencing at the start to achieve stationarity on the differenced series. Then apply ARMA models to this differences series.

To get back from the stationary model to a model for the original data you have to undo the differencing, that is to sum (or Integrate). Hence AutoRegressive, Integrated Moving Average model. (ARIMA).

Richard Waterman
Thu Nov 20 12:42:14 EST 1997