Stat701 Fall 1998
Time series: models and forecasts.
Chris Chatfield. The Analysis of Time Series.Chapman and Hall.
Todays class.

- Introduction.

- Descriptive techniques.

- Series with trend - linear filters

- Autocorrelation

- The correlogram

- Processes

- A purely random process

- A random walk

- Moving average process (MA)

- Autoregressive process (AR)

- Mixed ARMA models

- Types of series

- Economic series: interest rate

- Physical series: temperature

- Marketing series: sales

- Demographic: population series

- Process control: yield

- Objectives in time series analysis

- Description

- Explanation

- Prediction

- Control

- Overall plan:
descriptive techniques,
probability models,
fitting the models,
forecasting procedures

- Analysis in the time domain not the frequency domain
(see stat 711 for this).
Types of variation: extracting the main properties in a series.

- Seasonal effect - measure and/or remove

- Other cyclic changes

- Trend - long term change in the mean level

- Other irregular fluctuations - the residuals,
can they be explained via models such as moving average or

- Stationary time series - no systematic change in the mean or
the variance and no strictly periodic variations. Most theory is
concerned with stationary time series - so need this assumption to use

- The time plot: plotting the series against time - picks up important
features such as trend, seasonality, outliers and discontinuities
Analyzing series that contain a trend

- Model it:

- Filter it

- Turn one time series
into another
by a linear
is a set of weights.

- To smooth out fluctuations and estimate the local mean set
- the moving average. Often symmetric with s = q and
. The simple moving average: a symmetric smoothing filter with

- Can also choose weights to fit a local polynomial - very close to

- Exponential smoothing:
, where

- What sort of filter? To see the trend need to remove local fluctuations, the high frequency variation - therefore need a low-pass filter.

- To see residuals remove low frequency variation - want a high-pass

- A very familiar filter
, differencing. For
non-seasonal data this may be enough to obtain near stationarity.
Series with seasonal variation
A simple additive model:
To estimate the seasonal effect for a particular period, find the average for
that period minus the corresponding yearly average.
To remove a seasonal effect with monthly data use the filter
To remove a seasonal effect with quarterly data use the filter
Measures of the correlation at different distances apart in time.
Lag 1 autocorrelation measures the correlation between observations 1 time
unit apart.
Lag k autocorrelation:
The correlogram: a plot of
against k.
Interpretation of the correlogram:
If time series is completely random then for large N,
In fact
is approx N(0,1/N), so estimates should typically
be within
Short term correlation. Stationary series often have a fairly large
a few coefficients greater than 0 but getting successively smaller, and
for large k,
is about 0.
Alternating series: Successive observations alternating on different
sides of the overall mean, the correlogram alternates too.
Non-stationary series with a trend:
comes down slowly. In fact
is only meaningful for stationary series - detrend first.
Seasonal fluctuations: if time series has a seasonal fluctuation then
correlogram has fluctuation at the same frequency.
Richard Waterman