### Last edited 09/23/99 13:24. ### These commands are typed into the commands window ### Removing missing values (casewise) Gold.NoMiss <- na.omit(Gold) ### Commands for pulling the hii and studentized residuals ### from an lm object. ### Call the model object "reg.out" ### To get the residuals type residuals(reg.out) ### To get the standardized residuals type stdres(reg.out) ### To get the studentized residuals type studres(reg.out) ### To get the hii type lm.influence(reg.out)$hat ### To add any of these to our dataframe (spreadsheet) type Gold.NoMiss <- cbind(Gold.NoMiss,studres(reg.out)) Gold.NoMiss <- cbind(Gold.NoMiss,lm.influence(reg.out)$hat)