I use these PDF files as outlines of the material
covered in class.
Further notes that explain in more detail some of the underlying
calculations are available from the central
course web page
which is common to all three sections.
Please use this
feedback form
to offer comments on any of the classes.
- Data, Variation and Uncertainty
Nabisco offers a
related web site
with some background on the products considered in class.
- Statistical Summaries
The cookie data
from last year provide a basis for some comparisons; have
the chip counts changed from last year?
This jmp file has the GMAT data
for the class of 1994 as well as for the more recent class of
- Probability Models
We will make use of these 'scripts' to ease some of the
- Standard Error
- Decision Making
- Decision Making and Tests
- Statistical Tests
This class will expand on the introduction to tests that
was covered in wrapping up our discussion of optimal pricing.
If we have some time, we'll compare GMAT scores using this
expanded set of GMAT scores.
- Confidence Intervals
This jmp file has the GMAT data
for the class of 1994 as well as for the more recent class of
1998. Its a good basis for a quick review of testing.
For some additional practice, we'll use this
credit card data
for confidence intervals.
- Variance and Volatility
- Covariance and Portfolios
One last try. Here's a
text version
of the GMAT data that we can use to review tests and confidence
intervals. We will begin with a review of the dice experiment,
using the class results as
well as a JMP file that does a
simulation of the experiment.
- Beta