Sum the numbers 1 to 100.
Symbolically, call the sum T,
Answer indicates how the sum depends on n.
How do we get the answers? Pictures often help.
The ideas of raising to a power (initially geometric):
Where is this useful to know?
What could T(m,n) mean?
Find an expression for T(m,n) in terms of
T(1,m) and T(1,n) when .
A few more series - illustrating limits.
What does mean? The BASE is y and the EXPONENT is m.
For m an integer
From this simple definition we get
Key fact: multiplication of numbers turns into addition of their exponents.
must be equal to 1.
Golden rule: anything raised to the power 0 equals 1.
so that must equal .
is the number which when multiplied by itself gets you back y - the definition of the square root.
In general is called the m-th root of y. If you think this is going out to lunch consider cellular phone use in the US.
More rules:
Golden rules for exponents:
This is the exclamation mark notation (!).
Define 0! as 1. Define n! as .
These things get big fast.
They show up all over the place, approximation formulae and combinatorics.
Question: how many ways can I choose 3 distinct stocks from a portfolio of 8? Answer:
A special series that involves factorials:
Equals e = 2.718281828459....
This is one of those magical numbers like . We see it in continuous compounding - exponential growth - entities that grow like .
Look at a graph of e to the power t.
Think of logarithms as exponents going backward (inverses).
To what power do I have to raise a to get to y.
In other words
The question marks are defined as the logarithm of y base a.
In English: to what power do I have to raise 10 to get 1000?
The logarithm of 1000 base 10 is 3.
So logarithms to base 10 can be used to summarize variables into magnitude ``bins'', for example the Executive Compensation.
Addressable memory examples.
Logarithms to base 2. Everything to do with computers.
The logarithm of 256 base 2 is 8.
With eight bits you can represent 256 different numbers.
The logarithm of 65536 base 2 is 16.
The logarithm of 4,294,967,296 base 2 is 32.
So a 32 bit operating system has 4 gigs of addressable memory.
Log facts:
The log of product is the sum of the logs.
A special base for logs is the log base e. Written as ln.
Taking logs undoes exponentiation.
A very useful fact to be explained later:
For small values of h
Say we have increases of sales of 1%. That is . So
Therefore the difference in logs:
So the difference in logs gets interpreted as a ``percent change'' for small changes.
Summary of class.
Homework questions.
A set of quick questions to reinforce the days concepts. A calculator will often be needed.