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4. e

This is one of those magical numbers like $\pi$. We see it in continuous compounding - exponential growth - entities that grow like $e^{r\,t}$. Sometimes called the ``base of natural logarithms'', $e \sim 2.718282$.

Look at a graph. of e to the power t, et = exp(t).


Defined for all values of t, even negative ones.
Crosses that y-axis at y = 1, why?
This relationship really grows fast, hence the term exponential growth.
As t heads to negative infinity, et goes to 0.
As t heads to positive infinity, et goes to infinity.

Why don't we call this a power function?

Because the object we are changing, t, is in the exponent, not the base.

The more general form of the function:

\begin{displaymath}\fbox{$C \, e^{r \, t}.$ }\end{displaymath}


C is a multiplicative constant (how much money at the start).
e is the magical number.
r is a fixed constant (the interest rate).
t is what we are changing (how long the investment is held for).


C = 100.
r = 0.05 is a fixed constant (the interest rate).
t is time in years.

Rules for exponential functions (same as power functions):

$e^x \, e^y = e ^{x + y}$.
$e^{-x} = \frac{1}{e^x}$ Exponential decay.

A useful modeling function: the logistic:

\begin{displaymath}\fbox{$y = \frac{e^x}{1 + e^x}.$ }\end{displaymath}

This is in fact the formula for the graph.

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Richard Waterman