
In Module 3 of Prof. Wyner’s lectures, you saw a graph of Earned Run Average (ERA) against year. Also shown was a line connecting the average ERA in each year.

In order to create this figure we need to be able to compute the mean ERA in each year. In the previous exercises, you computed average statistics on a yearly basis by first filtering a tibble and computing the mean of the statistic each time. This was already quite tedious when you did it with the NBA shooting data spanning the 20 years from 1996 to 2016. Imagine trying to do that for each year between 1876 and 2015! Luckily there is an easier way in dpylr.

In order to reproduce this image, we will work with the Lahman Baseball Database. As it turns out, there is an R package that includes the entire database (up until the 2016 season). We will load that into R along with the tidyverse packages when we begin our analysis.


In Problem Set 3, you filtered a tibble and then selected a subset of columns in two steps: first you filtered and saved the the result as a temporary tibble. Then you passed that to select().

We could have done this one step using the pipe operator %>%, which allows you to neatly chain together several operations that are applied to the dataset sequentially.

Data analysis can usually be described as set of functions or operations being applied to a dataset in sequence; In Problem Set 3, filter() and select() were applied in sequence to the tibble hitting_qualified. Each of these functions takes a tibble as an input and returns a different tibble as an output. More complex data analysis tasks often require sequences of several operations on the dataset. Without the use of %>%, the analyst usually has two options: (1) save a temporary tibble after each function application and apply the next function to the temporary tibble or (2) “nest” all your functions together. Here’s an example of what these two strategies look like in code:

> # An Example: Applying func_1(), func_2(), and func_3() sequentially to a
> # tibble named dat.
> # Strategy 1
> dat_1 <- func_1(dat)
> dat_2 <- func_2(dat_1)
> dat_final <- func_3(dat_2)
> # Strategy 2
> dat_final <- func_3(func_2(func_1(dat)))

Both are hard to read and the first strategy is particularly prone to errors as you have introduced several temporary tibbles with the same name plus a numeral suffix – it’s very easy to make mistakes like dat_2 <- func_2(dat) or dat_final <- func_2(dat_2), especially if you are copying-and-pasting lines and then changing suffixes. The second strategy is ugly because we’re generally not used to reading things from inside-out or right-to-left. It becomes especially problematic when each function has many additional arguments.

Here is what the same example looks like using the pipe:

> dat_final <- dat %>% func_1() %>% func_2() %>% func_3()

Let’s focus on the action to the right of the assignment operator. The tibble gets “piped” into the first function, which pipes its output to the next function, and so on. You can think of this as your analysis “pipeline.” The sequence of analysis flows naturally from left-to-right and puts the emphasis on the actions being carried out by the analyst (i.e. the functions) and the final output rather than a bunch of temporary tibbles that may not be of much interest. If you have more than ten steps in your pipeline or you want to save intermediate tibbles because they themselves are objects of interest in your analysis, then some combination of pipes and the first strategy descrived above is probably your best bet.

Piping conventions, examples and advanced usage.

Some conventions for formatting when using the pipe %>% can be found here. A detailed example and some advanced “special” pipes such as %<>%, %$% and %T>$ can be found here.

The Lahman Baseball Database

In this module, we will use data from a baseball data maintained by Sean Lahman. This database contains pitching, hitting, and fielding statistics from Major League Baseball from 1871 to 2016. The data is available as an R package, which we will need to install and load. To install the package, we need to run the following in our console

> install.packages("Lahman")

Once the package is installed, we can load it into R along with the tidyverse packages:

> library(tidyverse)
> library(Lahman)

We will focus on pitching statistics today. To load the pitching data into R from the Lahman package, we have to use the data() function. We also will need to convert the data into a tibble.

> Pitching <- as_tibble(Pitching)

There are tons of rows and columns in the dataset. For this exercise, we will only want to focus on ERA and also focus only on those pitchers who have pitched at least 150 innings. Unfortuntaely, the Lahman pitching dataset does not contain the number of innings pitched (IP). Instead, it has a column called ``IPouts’’, which is the number of outs pitched and whose formula is \(\text{IPOuts} = 3 \times \text{IP}.\)

Using the pipe and the dplyr verbs we learned in Module 3, we will create a new tibble called pitching which contains all players who pitched at least 150 innings, played in either the AL or the NL and which contains only the columns corresponding the player, year, team, league, innings pitched, and ERA.

> pitching <- 
+   Pitching %>%
+   mutate(IP = IPouts/3) %>% 
+   filter(lgID %in% c('AL', 'NL') & IP >= 150) %>%
+   select(playerID, yearID, teamID, lgID, IP, ERA)
> pitching
# A tibble: 9,318 x 6
   playerID  yearID teamID lgID     IP   ERA
   <chr>      <int> <fct>  <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 bondto01    1876 HAR    NL     408   1.68
 2 bordejo01   1876 BSN    NL     218.  2.89
 3 bradlfo01   1876 BSN    NL     173.  2.49
 4 bradlge01   1876 SL3    NL     573   1.23
 5 cummica01   1876 HAR    NL     216   1.67
 6 deando01    1876 CN1    NL     263.  3.73
 7 devliji01   1876 LS1    NL     622   1.56
 8 fishech01   1876 CN1    NL     229.  3.02
 9 knighlo01   1876 PHN    NL     282   2.62
10 mannija01   1876 BSN    NL     197.  2.14
# ... with 9,308 more rows

IMPORTANT: Before reading any further, make sure you and your team understand completely what is happening in the code above.

Now that we have ERA for all pitchers eligible for our analysis, we can plot the ERAs by year

> ggplot(data = pitching) + 
+   ylim(0, 10) + 
+   geom_point(mapping = aes(x = yearID, y = ERA), size = 0.3)

Looking at the plot, it appears that some of the pitchers from the first few decades of baseball had the lowest ERA. Using arrange(), we can see which pitcher had the best season according to ERA.

> arrange(pitching, ERA)
# A tibble: 9,318 x 6
   playerID  yearID teamID lgID     IP   ERA
   <chr>      <int> <fct>  <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 leonadu01   1914 BOS    AL     225.  0.96
 2 brownmo01   1906 CHN    NL     277.  1.04
 3 gibsobo01   1968 SLN    NL     305.  1.12
 4 mathech01   1909 NY1    NL     275.  1.14
 5 johnswa01   1913 WS1    AL     346   1.14
 6 pfiesja01   1907 CHN    NL     195   1.15
 7 jossad01    1908 CLE    AL     325   1.16
 8 lundgca01   1907 CHN    NL     207   1.17
 9 alexape01   1915 PHI    NL     376.  1.22
10 bradlge01   1876 SL3    NL     573   1.23
# ... with 9,308 more rows

It would appear that the best pitching season of all time was Dutch Leonard’s 1914 season with the Red Sox. The next best was Mordecai Brown’s 1906 season with the Cubs. How much better was Leonard’s 0.96 ERA than Brown’s 1.04 ERA?

To answer this, we can transform ERA to standardized units using the mutate() function. There is a minor complication: there is not a built-in function for standardizing a variable in R! Luckily for us, R allows us to define our own functions like so:

> standardize <- function(x){
+   mu <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+   sigma <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
+   return( (x - mu)/sigma )
+ }

For now, don’t worry too much about the syntax or the na.rm = TRUE bits. We will discuss them in more depth later. Armed with our standardize() function, we can add a column called zERA_all which transforms ERA to the standardized scale.

> pitching <-
+   pitching %>%
+   mutate(zERA_all = standardize(ERA))
> pitching %>% arrange(zERA_all)
# A tibble: 9,318 x 7
   playerID  yearID teamID lgID     IP   ERA zERA_all
   <chr>      <int> <fct>  <fct> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 leonadu01   1914 BOS    AL     225.  0.96    -3.00
 2 brownmo01   1906 CHN    NL     277.  1.04    -2.91
 3 gibsobo01   1968 SLN    NL     305.  1.12    -2.82
 4 mathech01   1909 NY1    NL     275.  1.14    -2.80
 5 johnswa01   1913 WS1    AL     346   1.14    -2.80
 6 pfiesja01   1907 CHN    NL     195   1.15    -2.79
 7 jossad01    1908 CLE    AL     325   1.16    -2.78
 8 lundgca01   1907 CHN    NL     207   1.17    -2.76
 9 alexape01   1915 PHI    NL     376.  1.22    -2.71
10 bradlge01   1876 SL3    NL     573   1.23    -2.70
# ... with 9,308 more rows

Now we see that Leonard’s 0.96 ERA was about 3 standard deviations below the overall mean of qualified pitchers, while Brown’s was about 2.91 standard deviations below the mean. On the other hand, the ostensibly worst pitching season was Philadelphia’s own Les Sweetland in 1930. Incidentally enough, Sweetland started that season with a three-hit shutout! Check out this ESPN blog post about the 1930’s Phillies pitching staff.

Of course, you might argue that comparing the raw ERAs across the various years is somewhat unfair. After all, the game as it was played in 1914 is very different to the one played today! As such, it may be more appropriate to standardize all of the ERAs within each season separately. To do this, we will have to compute the mean and standard deviation of ERAs within each season.

Grouped Calculations

Before proceeding, let’s think for a minute about what the following code does:

> pitching %>% summarise(mean = mean(ERA), sd = sd(ERA))

Very often in a data analysis, instead of performing a calculation on the entire data set, you’ll want to first split the data into smaller subsets, apply the same calculation on every subset, and then combine the results from each subset. For example, in order to replicate the figure above from Prof. Wyner’s lecture, we need to split our pitching dataset based on the year, compute the average ERA within each year, and then combine these into a single tibble.

One strength of dplyr is the ease with which you can follow this “split-apply-combine” paradigm using the function group_by(). We can use this in concert with the pipe as follows

> pitching <- 
+   pitching %>% 
+   group_by(yearID)

When we print out pitching now, we notice an extra line that tells us the grouping variable. Now when we pass this tibble on to subsequent calculations, these calculations will be done on each group. Recall from earlier that the code pitching %>% summarize(mean = mean(ERA)) returned a single row containing the average of ERA over all players and year. If we now run the same code again, we actually get a tibble with one row per year that lists the mean and standard deviation of ERA within each year. We will save this tibble as pitching_summary:

> pitching_summary <- 
+   pitching %>% 
+   summarize(mean = mean(ERA), sd = sd(ERA))

In Module 3, we listed a few useful functions to be used within summarize(). One of them, n(), returns counts and is especially useful when used on a grouped tibble. We can, for instance, count the number of pitchers in our dataset within each year using n().

> pitching %>% 
+   summarize(count = n()) %>%
+   arrange(count)
# A tibble: 141 x 2
   yearID count
    <int> <int>
 1   1877     7
 2   1878     7
 3   1880    12
 4   1876    13
 5   1879    13
 6   1883    13
 7   1881    14
 8   1882    14
 9   1884    19
10   1885    19
# ... with 131 more rows

Exercise: Describe, in words, what the following code does.

> pitching %>% 
+   summarize(count = n()) %>%
+   filter(count >= 90) %>%
+   arrange(desc(count))

Once we add a grouping to our tibble, it also changes the way mutate() operates on the tibble. We can now standardize each pitcher’s ERA within each year and save that result in a column called zERA_year.

> pitching <-
+   pitching %>%
+   mutate(zERA_year = standardize(ERA))
> pitching %>% arrange(zERA_year)
# A tibble: 9,318 x 8
# Groups:   yearID [141]
   playerID  yearID teamID lgID     IP   ERA zERA_all zERA_year
   <chr>      <int> <fct>  <fct> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 leonadu01   1914 BOS    AL     225.  0.96    -3.00     -3.48
 2 martipe02   2000 BOS    AL     217   1.74    -2.12     -3.16
 3 maddugr01   1995 ATL    NL     210.  1.63    -2.24     -3.02
 4 luquedo01   1923 CIN    NL     322   1.93    -1.90     -2.88
 5 martipe02   1999 BOS    AL     213.  2.07    -1.74     -2.85
 6 brownke01   1996 FLO    NL     233   1.89    -1.95     -2.82
 7 eichhma01   1986 TOR    AL     157   1.72    -2.14     -2.81
 8 maddugr01   1994 ATL    NL     202   1.56    -2.32     -2.79
 9 piercbi02   1955 CHA    AL     206.  1.97    -1.86     -2.77
10 hubbeca01   1933 NY1    NL     309.  1.66    -2.21     -2.77
# ... with 9,308 more rows

Ungrouping and Grouping on Multiple Variables

As we just saw, when we add a grouping to a tbl, it affects how verbs like summarize() and mutate() operate on our data. It is sometimes the case that we wish to remove the grouping and let these verbs (and others) operate on the entire dataset again. To remove the grouping, we have to use the ungroup() function. Remember, as with the other dplyr verbs we’ve learned, we need to save the result if we want the tbl to remain ungrouped!

> pitching <- 
+   pitching %>%
+   ungroup()

To verify that we’ve indeed removed the grouping, let’s re-run the code from above to compute the mean and standard deviation of ERA.

> pitching %>% summarize(mean = mean(ERA), sd = sd(ERA))
# A tibble: 1 x 2
   mean    sd
  <dbl> <dbl>
1  3.60 0.881

Up to this point, we have only grouped on a single variable. It is sometimes desirable to group on multiple variables at once. For instance, we may want to standardize ERA not only within each year but also within each leauge (AL and NL). That is, we may want to standardize each individual pitcher’s ERA using only the data from the other pitchers who pitched in the same league and in the same season. We also add a column called count_year_lg to record the number of pitchers included in each year-league combination.

> pitching <-
+   pitching %>%
+   group_by(yearID, lgID) %>%
+   mutate(zERA_year_lg = standardize(ERA),
+          count = n())

When we arrange by the ERA standardized within the year and league, we now see that Pedro Martinez’s 1999 and 2000 season with the Red Sox were even better than Dutch Leonard’s 1914 season!

As a final note, when we group by multiple variables, the order in which we specify the variables in group_by() matters.

Back to the figure

We started this module with a figure similar to one from Professor Wyner’s class that plotted ERAs over time. When we run the following code, we get a plot that’s very similar to the desired one but that is missing the red line showing the average ERA within each season.

> ggplot(pitching) +
+   geom_point(aes(x = yearID, y = ERA)) +
+   ylim(0, 10) + 
+   geom_point(mapping = aes(x = yearID, y = ERA), size = 0.3)

To add this to our plot, we need to simply re-run the code above but with some additional calls to geom_line.

> ggplot(pitching) +
+   geom_point(aes(x = yearID, y = ERA), size = 0.3) +
+   ylim(0, 10) + 
+   geom_line(data = pitching_summary, mapping = aes(x = yearID, y = mean), col = 'red')

You’ll notice that the last line of code is a bit different than anything we’ve seen before. In particular, we are specifying both the data and mapping within the same ggplot2 function. If all of the information we want to include in the plot is coming from the same data source, it’s enough to just specify the data argument in the first line, like we do with ggplot(data = pitching) and not in every subsequent call to functions like geom_point or geom_line. However, whenever we want to add layers to a plot using data from another source (in this case, using data from pitching_summary to plot the average ERAs), we need to tell R explicitly and specify the data argument in geom_line.