Pythagorean Expectation

The sabermetrician Bill James introduced the concept of Pythagorean Expectation to approximate baseball teams’ winning percentages. he found that if you took the square of the number of runs scored (RS) and divided by the sum of the squares of runs scored (RS) and runs allowed (RA), you get a pretty good estimate of a team’s actual win probability. James’ formula is: \[ \text{Win %} \approx \frac{\text{RS}^2}{\text{RS}^2 + \text{RA}^2} \] In this exercise, we will assess this formula using data from the 2016 Major League Baseball Season, which is tabulated below.

Be sure to save all of your code in an R script, which you can call ‘’ps1.R’’.

  1. Using the c() function, create vectors called teams, wins, losses, rs and ra that contain the tean names, number of wins, number of losses, number of runs scored, and number of runs allowed.
  2. Name the elements of wins, losses, rs, and ra according to the team.
  3. Create a new vector called wp.actual containing the actual win percentages.
  4. Create a new vector called wp.pythag containing the Pythagorean expectations. Which team has the smallest Pythagorean expectation? Is that the team with the smallest actual win percentage?
  5. Create a new vector called wp.resid containing the difference between each team’s actual winning percentage and the Pythagorean expectation. These differences are known as residuals. If a team has a positive residual, that means that their actual win percentage exceeded what Pythagorean expectation predicted. Which team most outperformed their expected win percentage?
    Chicago Cubs 103 58 808 556
    Texas Rangers 95 67 765 757
    Washington Nationals 95 67 763 612
    Cleveland Indians 94 67 777 676
    Boston Red Sox 93 69 878 694
    Los Angeles Dodgers 91 71 725 638
    Baltimore Orioles 89 73 744 715
    Toronto Blue Jays 89 73 759 666
    New York Mets 87 75 671 617
    San Francisco Giants 87 75 715 631
    Detroit Tigers 86 75 750 721
    St. Louis Cardinals 86 76 779 712
    Seattle Mariners 86 76 768 707
    New York Yankees 84 78 680 702
    Houston Astros 84 78 724 701
    Kansas City Royals 81 81 675 712
    Miami Marlins 79 82 655 682
    Pittsburgh Pirates 78 83 729 758
    Chicago White Sox 78 84 686 715
    Colorado Rockies 75 87 845 860
    Los Angeles Angels 74 88 717 727
    Milwaukee Brewers 73 89 671 733
    Philadelphia Phillies 71 91 610 796
    Arizona Diamondbacks 69 93 752 890
    Oakland Athletics 69 93 653 761
    Atlanta Braves 68 93 649 779
    Tampa Bay Rays 68 94 672 713
    San Diego Padres 68 94 686 770
    Cincinnati Reds 68 94 716 854
    Minnesota Twins 59 103 722 889